OPTIONS 2018-20 KEY STAGE 4 CURRICULUM GUIDE MILLAIS SCHOOL OPTIONS 2018-20 KEY STAGE 4 CURRICULUM GUIDE All the information is on the moodle including this PPT. There is an extensive booklet which you can read. We do not print 300 copies for everyone to have one. Copies are in the LRC to look through.
MILLAIS SCHOOL OPTIONS - Important Dates Monday 29th January Options Intro. Assembly Option Forms circulated Thursday 8th February Options Day. P6 Assembly. Options Evening 16-18.00 Thursday 1st March Y9 Parents Evening Tuesday 6th March Deadline For Option Forms
MILLAIS SCHOOL What subjects do I have to take? All pupils study the following 6 GCSEs English Language English Literature Mathematics Science – leading to two GCSEs One Modern Foreign Language
MILLAIS SCHOOL The remaining three courses that are core and compulsory but do not lead to a GCSE are… Core Physical Education* Computing Personal Development, Core RE* & Citizenship*. * Philosophy and Ethics, Citizenship, PE and Dance are also full GCSE option courses.
It can influence post 18 choices. MILLAIS SCHOOL What is the English Baccalaureate? Pupils will gain an Ebac if they get a grade 4 or more in: English Maths 2 Sciences / Computer Science A Language History or Geography The government want almost everyone to achieve a Ebac and study academic subjects like these. It can influence post 18 choices.
MILLAIS SCHOOL Options Choices You select subjects that you enjoy and are good at. You consider what will fit in with your future career ideas. Try to keep a balance – not all Humanities, Technology, Creative Arts etc. Discuss with parents, your tutor and class teachers. Ignore what friends choose. Ignore what teachers you have. They will probably change.
MILLAIS SCHOOL Most courses are on all pathways. There are 3 different “Pathways” MOST SUBJECTS ARE ON MOST PATHWAYS Pathways allow you to select courses that will suit you. Most courses are on all pathways. Some courses are more specialised. EG Challenge Pathway has Additional Maths (A Level) for very high ability Mathematicians.
There are three pathways… You can select 10 GCSEs on all pathways. MILLAIS SCHOOL There are three pathways… Ambition Challenge Endeavour You can select 10 GCSEs on all pathways. You will select 5 options including at least 1 language.
MILLAIS SCHOOL Options Homework Use the moodle to find the options information. Its under EXAMINATIONS then OPTIONS. Read through the CONTENT OF THE COURSES you are interested in. Try and find 6 or 7 courses that you might be interested in taking in Years 10 and 11. Ideally for a balance, select from different option blocks. Write down some questions to ask at the Options Afternoon next Thursday 8th.
MILLAIS SCHOOL Do I need a printed copy of the Options Booklet? NO. The booklet is on the moodle under examinations. You can look through it there. The LRC computers are excellent for this. The booklet has around 70 pages of A4. It would take around 21 000 sheets of A4 being printed for all of Y9 – bad for the environment. You will need your options form which has your pathway on it!
MILLAIS SCHOOL The Options Day 5.00: KML HR RJG MZS POD CEK Afternoon: Options Assembly – Dining Hall (period 6) Evening: 4.30pm to 6.00pm 2 presentations for parents – Dining Hall 4.30: PEO LSM DPN CC SJM CEH 5.00: KML HR RJG MZS POD CEK Exhibition by key teachers – Main School Hall
Your parents can contact Mr Shepherd via email options@millais.org.uk MILLAIS SCHOOL If having read the options booklet, you still have questions, you can speak with your tutors, your PD teachers, Miss Powell, Miss Ogilvie or Mr Shepherd. Your parents can contact Mr Shepherd via email options@millais.org.uk