Extreme Weather Art Appreciation Lesson American Regionalism and the Art of John Stuert Curry
What is Regionalism? an American realist modern art movement that included paintings, murals, and illustrations depicting realistic scenes of rural and small- town America primarily in the Midwest and Deep South. It began in the 1930s as a response to the Great Depression, and ended in the 1940s due to the end of World War II depicted American cities, small towns, and rural landscapes as a way to return to a simpler time away from industrialization
The most well-know American Regionalists Grant Wood Thomas Hart Benton John Steuart Curry
John Stuert Curry Born in 1897 in Dunavant Kansas, Oldest of 5 Children. Died of a heart attack in 1946 Curry began as an illustrator for magazines, then studied in Paris for a year, traveled with the Ringling Bros. Circus for a while, and eventually settled back down in the Midwest. He believed that art should come from everyday life and that an artist should paint what they love. In his case he painted his beloved home in the Midwest.[9] Wood wrote about Curry's style and subject matter of art, stating "It was action he loved most to interpret: the lunge through space, the split second before the kill, the suspended moment before the storm strikes."[10]
Tornado over Kansas How do you think he felt when he painted this? How does it make you feel? Why? What colors set that tone? Where do you think this scene takes place? Where are the people looking? JSC painted this in 1929
Extreme Weather and American Regionalism What’s the connection?
How does Extreme Weather affect a Community? Who does it affect most? What are some examples of Extreme Weather besides tornados? What can happen as the result of extreme weather? What does this have to do with art?
Let’s make our own art Geometry in Art- Make a Tornado Using Ellipses. What is an ellipse? Simply put, an ellipse in an oval or egg shaped figure that has the same shape at both ends. We will be using a elliptical shape for our project today. Lets practice making a tornado using ellipses. 1.First trace the ellipse below. Then draw your own. Start at the dot and return to the dot. On a separate sheet of paper practice as many ellipses as you like. 2. Use a pencil to make a tornado using an elliptical movement beginning large and slowly decreasing in size until it disappears creating a funnel. 3. Now make one using charcoal. Use your finger to blend it to make it look “dusty”
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