UC Systemwide Update UC Office of the President Undergraduate Admissions
Increasing Access to UC Enrollment Growth Topics Increasing Access to UC Enrollment Growth Transfer Data Trend of Application Numbers Ongoing and New Initiatives Emails to CCC Students Transfer Pathways CCC/UC Partnership Something Different Personal insight question Financial Support Blue and Gold Opportunity Plan UC and You
More Californians. MORE CALIFORNIAN ENROLLMENTS: UC will enroll 10,000 more California residents students over the next 3 years, starting with 5,000 students in 2016-17, up to 40% of which will be transfers. We will add an additional 2,500 students in 2017-18 and another 2,500 in 2018-19. This huge enrollment increase is due to the 2015 budget negotiations between the Governor and UC President Janet Napolitano.
Applications: CA Resident CCC Transfers CCC Applicants: Transfer applications from students who reported a California Community College as their most recent school rose to 33,052 for fall 2016. That represented an increase of about 12 % over last year. Nearly 1 in 3 UC students start at a California community college before graduating from the University of California UC is moving towards a 2:1 ratio; that is, at each UC campus, our goal is to enroll one transfer student for every 2 freshmen. A new feature that may be helpful to you in advising students is on our UC Information Center website: Transfers by Major: GPA ranges and counts for admitted, and for enrolled transfer applicants for each CCC by UC campus, by major discipline. http://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/infocenter
Ongoing Initiatives Emails to CCC Students Transfer Pathways Articulation Initiatives to help facilitate the enrollment increase includes: CCC Emails: President Napolitano sent a personal email in February 2016 to roughly 350,000 first year community college students. To let students know that by starting at a community college, they have taken their first step towards the potential of world-class UC education. Similar message was sent to over 12,000 self-identified veteran students, including information services available for veterans at UC. Transfer Admission Application Extension: The admission application deadline was extended to January 4, 2016 for Fall 2016 applicants to widen the window for qualified students preparing to transfer to UC to still apply. As a result of the extension, UC received an additional 2,183 transfer applications from California residents. We do not anticipate extending the application deadline next year. We understand that some of you had concerns about the extension, however, please understand that UC was faced with a directive to enroll more students now, for this coming fall, and we brainstorm about what we could do to effect the fact that transfer applications had been flat for the past few years. Extending the deadline did achieve our goal: opportunity for students who did not think they were ready for UC to submit an application and, it gave campuses more students to select from among to help us meet the enrollment growth projection. Transfer Pathways: UC’s commitment to aid transfer students: The Pathways are a beginning roadmap for students considering a transfer to UC if they have not yet narrowed down one or more specific campuses in which they are interested. These 21 Transfer Pathways are for the most popular majors transfer students select; representing over 2/3 of the majors to which all transfer applicants apply. The majors include a range from Business, Engineering, Social Sciences, Life Sciences, and the Humanities. By the way, we encourage you to take a look at the Program Spotlight ETS 2016 session on the Humanities presented by Assoc. Dean of Students and Lecturer, Dr. Don Lubach from UCSB. UC faculty and staff are working on the course-to-course articulation for the pathways majors; stay tuned information on the detailed articulation agreements as they become available. Updates will be included in the UC Counselors and Advisers Bulleting – the link to subscribe if you haven’t already done so is included in the Resources line at the end of this presentation. CCC/UC Partnership: The CCC Board of Governors recently approved funds to create a formal partnership between the CCC and UC to provide services to CCC students and counselors/advisers. These services might include methods for messaging about UC’s Transfer Pathways, creating environments for academic advising from UC staff, and/or supporting the professional development of counselors/advisers to impact their knowledge-base about UC. More information will be available in the fall.
New Initiative: UC and CCC Partnership UC AND CCC PARTNERSHIP: UC and CCC have partnered to expand outreach to and support of transfer students, with a focus on populations that might not have access to a UC education. These populations include: students from low income backgrounds, underrepresented racial and ethnic groups, first-generation college-bound, veterans and active duty members of the military, and foster youth. FUNDING OF THE PARTNERSHIP: The California Community College Board of Governors recently approved funds to potentially provide services to CCC students and counselors/advisers. These services might include methods for messaging about UC’s Transfer Pathways, creating environments for academic advising from UC staff, and/or supporting the professional development of counselors/advisers to impact their knowledge-base about UC. More information will be available in the fall.
Personal insight questions PERSONAL INSIGHT QUESTIONS: Different for applicants applying to UC in November 2016 for possible admission to fall 2017 are our new personal insight questions. We have revised the way we want applicants to write about themselves, moving from the 2 broad personal statement prompts to 7 more focused insight questions for transfer applicants. These questions align with our transfer comprehensive review factors that campuses use to select students for admission. And, importantly for the student, allows them more say in what they share with UC by empowering them to choose the questions that most resonate with them. Additional details on the personal insight questions are available in the presentation included on the UCOP ETS conference website: http://admission.universityofcalifornia.edu/counselors/news-events/ets/index.html
Blue + Gold Our Blue + Gold Opportunity Plan will cover systemwide tuition and fees for students who qualify. The affordability of UC : UC supporting student access to UC including recognition of the need for financial support. Affordability is, and always will be, a priority for UC. The Blue and Gold Opportunity Plan is designed to assist families, with an income of less than $80K a year, to be able to afford UC. More on the Blue and Gold Opportunity Plan and financial aid is available in the ETS 2016 presentation Blue + Gold = Green; go to: http://admission.universityofcalifornia.edu/counselors/news-events/ets/index.html
We need you. We need your assistance in promoting UC. We value your input and what you do for students. We hope to continue to build upon our partnership with your and your system office to increase access to the students we serve.
Thank You (take 1-2 questions or not depending on time – otherwise say hold all question until the end of the campuses updates.)
Resources Ensuring Transfer Success 2016 Presentations http://admission.universityofcalifornia.edu/counselors/news-events/ets/index.html Other Information Transfers by Major: GPA ranges and counts for admitted, and for enrolled transfer applicants for each CCC by UC campus, by major discipline. http://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/infocenter Transfer Comprehensive Review Factors: http://admission.universityofcalifornia.edu/transfer/reviewed/index.html Transfer Pathways: http://admission.universityofcalifornia.edu/transfer/preparation-paths/index.html Paying for UC: http://admission.universityofcalifornia.edu/paying-for-uc/index.html