Caltrans 2010 standard specifications MODULE 2
Objectives How have specs changed from the previous versions? How is the 2006 different than the 2010 version? What are the impacts to future contracts with a transition planned? Alternate agency-specific front-ends.
How have 2010 Specs changed? Incorporate 2006 amendments into the Standard Specifications (Specs) Incorporate many 2006 Special Provisions (SSPs) into the Standard Specifications Comply with the Style Guide for 2010 Specifications (includes plain language) New/revised standard plans into the Standard Plans
How have 2010 Specs changed? 2010 Standard Specs and SSPs have the same technical content, but the wording is different. Many SSPs have been moved into to the Standard Specs. SSPs are shorter, have new numbers, and have a new format.
Layout: 2006 vs. 2010 Easier on the eyes Print/font Layout Organization of Sections
2010 Organization 4 part headings General Materials Construction Payment
Governing ranking/Hierarchy (in descending order): The governing ranking of Contract parts in descending order is: 1.1. Special provisions 1.2. Project plans 1.3. Revised standard specifications 1.4. Standard specifications 1.5. Revised standard plans 1.6. Standard plans 1.7. Supplemental project information Written numbers and notes on a drawing govern over graphics A detail drawing governs over a general drawing A detail specification governs over a general specification A specification in a section governs over a specification referenced by that section For the 2006 standards, the Standard Plans rank above the Standard Specifications.
New Sections in the 2010 Standards: 10 General 11 Quality Control And Assurance 13 Water Pollution Control 14 Environmental Stewardship 15 Existing Facilities 21 Erosion Control 46 Ground Anchors And Soil Nails 47 Earth Retaining Systems 48 Temporary Structures 76 Wells 77 Local Infrastructure 87 Materials—general 99 Building Construction
Comply with Style Guide for 2010 Specs (Plain language) Simplifies language, brevity Includes; Reduces Spec duplication, Payment Lots of detail; capitalization, abbreviation, etc. 64 page document Meets more national standards Overall re-org
New/Revised Standard Plans Into the Standard Plans Replaces, adds, or deletes – (R-A-D) All SSPs include an introductory statement that starts with “Replace”, “Add”, or “Delete.”
R-A-D Example Replace the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th paragraphs of section 19-2.03B with: Dispose of surplus material. Ensure enough material is available to complete the embankments before disposing of it.
R-A-D Example Add to section 19-2.03G: Roughen embankment slopes to receive erosion control materials by either track-walking or rolling with a sheepsfoot roller. Track-walk slopes by running track-mounted equipment perpendicular to slope contours. Delete the 1st paragraph of section 19-3.03B(2).
What else is different between 2006 and 2010 versions? Organization Divisions III through X have some technical changes, but revisions parallel the 2006s. Division XI is an all new, includes Section 99, Building Construction.
Why is this Important? 2006 vs. 2010 This work shall consist of furnishing and placing reinforcement of the shape and dimensions shown on the plans, and as specified in these specifications and the special provisions Section 52-1 includes general specifications for fabricating and placing reinforcement. Why is this important? Let's look at a short example from the Standard Specifications. Here is a comparison of the beginning of Section 52, " Reinforcement." On the left is the current 2006 specification (on page 402) and on the right is the 2010 specification (on page 627).
Example – Traffic Stripe
How Does 2010 Version Affect Designers? Bid items are nearly the same. Standard Plans book is nearly the same. The Bid book is same. The Notice to Bidders is the same.
2010 Pros For Specification Engineers/designers, it is easier to assemble, fewer SSPs, the SSP numbers match the section numbers in the Standard Specs. For Contractors and Resident Engineers, shorter SSPs, numbering matches the Standard Specs. For Everybody, the Spec language is clearer, fewer cross references, everything is clearer.
Payment Clauses No long and detailed measurement and payment clauses Payment is specified in Section 9, and not repeated throughout the Specifications Payment is based on the item of work and the unit of measure shown in the bid item list Payment includes the work described in the contract for that bid item
Payment Clauses How to handle contractor requests for additional payment for Division I, II, and X work Section 9-1.03: Revised Section 9 covers all elements of the work associated with Division I, II and X work: Division I- General Provisions Division II- General Construction Division X- Materials
2010 Quick Guide 2010 Quick Guide is available at:
How Does This Affect Cities? Front end specs didn't match 2010 hierarchy designers need to make sure they match Had a client where 2006 specs referenced 2010 standards- harder to manage a contractor
What is Different? May need to upgrade entire contracts to qualify for funding