Date: 12th May 2017 H&S ALERT No. 140 | Safe Use of Front End Loader Waste Material Skips A recent incident occurred involving a front end loader waste material skip at one of our Waste Water Treatment works. On of our colleagues was pushing a bag with his hands further back inside the skip. In order to do so he was stood outside leaning into the skip. The skip lid had been propped open using the metal stay arm. As the retaining bar was defective, the stay arm was not secured and may have been rested within one of the grooves on the inside of the bin lid. During the movement of the bags the metal stay arm became dislodged and hit our colleague on the head. The incident was reported under RIDDOR as a lost time injury. Following an investigation, the metal retaining bar was found to be damaged. The metal retaining bar is used to secure the arm in the upright position and the defective retaining bar is shown in the photograph above.. If you have these waste material bins/ skips or similar on site, please Check the condition of the bin and in particular the metal arm and the metal retaining bar. Report any damages immediately and remove the bin/ skip from service. Ensure all staff know how to secure the arm in the upright position using the metal retaining bar. Instructions are found on the front of the bin or skip. Ensure all staff check the condition of the metal arm and metal retaining bar before each use. Finally, ensure your operating method avoids leaning into the skip and coming into direct contact with the waste material. ISSUED TO ALL: Employees PREPARED BY: Sarah Parry Senior H&S Advisor If you are a manager, please ensure that your team members are aware of the content of this alert or where indicated issue to partners . Additional information or guidance required on the content is available from the Health & Safety team.