I am going to play some sounds and some voices


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Presentation transcript:

I am going to play some sounds and some voices I am going to play some sounds and some voices... I want you to raise your hand if you know who it is... Please do not shout out the name or the sound... I would like to see how many people recognize who or what it is before the answer is given. Play sounds - click for sound.... then click for answer Why could some recognize the voices or sounds more quickly than others? How does knowing a person or being familiar with the person or thing affect how easily you recognize it?

John 10 Sheep Sheepherders & The Good Shepherd This is very much the same in recognizing the voice of the Lord. Often the “voice” of the Lord is not an audible voice, but a still small voice.. We are also going to talk about sheep and how they recognize the voice of their Shepherd Pass out Matching Activity Sheet.

What’s the Difference? Sheepherder or Shepherd? Review the worksheet and discuss Sheepherder or Shepherd?

What does the Savior want you to understand?

John 10 v3-4; 7-11; 14-16 How does He feel about you? What is He willing to DO for you? He knows the names of His sheep, He leads His sheep and they follow Him, He protects them, He brings all of His sheep together He is willing to lay down His life for His sheep, John 10 v3-4; 7-11; 14-16

“Some years ago, it was my privilege to visit the country of Morocco as part of an official United States government delegation. Story by Elder John R Lasater, a member of the Seventy We were invited to travel some distance into the desert to visit some ruins.

Five black limousines moved across the beautiful Moroccan countryside at considerable speed. I was riding in the third limousine, which had lagged some distance behind the second. As we topped the brow of a hill, we noticed a limousine in front of us had pulled off to the side of the road. As we drew nearer, I sensed that an accident had occurred and suggested to my driver that we stop. The scene before us has remained with me for these many years.

An old shepherd, in the long, flowing robes of the Savior’s day, was standing near the limousine in conversation with the driver. Nearby, I noted a small flock of sheep numbering not more than fifteen or twenty.

An accident had occurred An accident had occurred. The king’s vehicle had struck and injured one of the sheep belonging to the old shepherd. The driver of the vehicle was explaining to him the law of the land. Because the king’s vehicle had injured one of the sheep belonging to the old shepherd, he was entitled to one hundred times its value at maturity. However, under the same law, the injured sheep must be slain and the meat divided among the people.

My interpreter hastily added, ‘But the old shepherd will not accept the money. They never do’ Startled, I asked him why. And he added, ‘Because of the love he has for each of his sheep. It was then that I noticed the old shepherd reach down, lift the injured lamb in his arms, and place it in a large pouch on the front of his robe. He kept stroking its head, repeating the same word over and over again. When I asked the meaning of the word, I was informed, ‘Oh he is calling it by name.

All of the sheep have a name, for he is their shepherd, and the good shepherds know each one of their sheep by name.’ It was as my driver had predicted. The money was refused, and the old shepherd with his small flock of sheep, with the injured one tucked safely in the pouch on his robe, disappeared into the beautiful deserts of Morocco’

How does He feel about you? What is He willing to DO for you? Knows You by Name Wants to Lead you Wants to Protect you Willing to lay down His life for you

What is He teaching about OUR Relationship to him? v4 - do we Know His voice? v4 - are we wiling to Follow? v5- will we follow ONLY Him? v14 - Again - Do we KNOW HIM? v16 - Are we willing to be part of His Fold? V26 - Do we BELIEVE HIM? - Not just believe “In” Him - Do we Believe him when he tells us that He can bring us back to Father? Do we believe him when he tells us he can make us Whole, perfect, peaceful, filled with joy? v27 - Do we not only Hear him - but are willing to follow? John 10 v4-5; 14; 16; 26-27

John 10:7, 9 2 Ne 9:41-42 What does a Door do for you? What does this say about your Relationship with Christ? 2 Ne 9:41-42

Who are you Really? Just tell us!! v24 Vs 24: How long are you going to keep us wondering about who you really are? Just tell us!! Who are you Really?

The Way The Door The Truth The Keeper of the Gate & The Life v25 Vs 25: I have told you many times and in many different ways that I am the Christ, but you won’t believe me.. all the miracles and works that I do bear witness to who I am. The Way The Truth & The Life The Door The Keeper of the Gate

Will we Hear? Respond? v24-31 Will we run to Him or run away? v32-42 Will we Respond? Read /scan pertinent parts V24-31 How well we know the Lord makes a difference in how well we hear and follow His voice. Will we run to Him or run away from Him? Read/scan pertinent parts of v32-42 Will we run to Him or run away? v32-42

Wants to protect you and carry you Home Knows you Loves you Wants you to follow Him Wants to protect you and carry you Home He is the Good Shepherd - He will not FAIL you or ABANDON YOU - He will not LEAVE YOU He knows you, Loves You (even when you feel unlovable), Wants you to follow Him, He wants to protect you and carry you Home But the question remains - will you LET Him? Will you Let Him?