Dr. Charmaine L. Wijeyesinghe, Delmar, NY Multiracial Identity: New Models and Frameworks for Understanding the Experience of Race and Identity Dr. Charmaine L. Wijeyesinghe, Delmar, NY
Historical Representations of Identity from the Discipline of Racial Identity Development Stage Models of Identity Development for particular racial groups: Developmental progression through variety of stages; each stage marked by behaviors, feelings, “tasks,” and perspectives on race, racism, own racial group, other racial groups, and sense/definition of self in relation to race. Examples: Cross (1971); Jackson (1976); Hardiman (1982); Helms (1984); Kich (1992); Kim (1981); Poston (1990).
Life Span/Ecological Perspectives- Identity as a process (versus outcome) influenced by multiple factors, situations, and contexts; identity and meaning associated with identity fluctuates over life span; factors interact and overlap (“blended/messy”) and influence identity via various levels of salience at a particular location or point in time. Examples: Cross & Phagen Smith (2001); Renn (2004); Root (2002); Wijeyesinghe (1992, 2001)
Intersectionality Social issues and the experience of social identities cannot be understood by focusing on one aspect of identity, or multiple identities considered independent of - or added to - each other; Instead, identity is complicated, as individuals embody multiple identities simultaneously that interact and influence each other. Connects dimensions of identity to larger structures of oppression and privilege; Examines the lived experience of individuals within interlocking systems/social structures of domination and inequality Highlights the voices of previously excluded groups; Links holistic and more complex understanding of identity with movements for social justice (Bowleg, 2008; Dill & Zambrana, 2009; Jones & Wijeyesinghe, 2011; Shields, 2008, Weber, 2010)
Intersectionality Intersectionality helps us understand how individuals see themselves and how they are treated by others; Recognizes that individuals can simultaneously experience oppression and privilege; Intersectional analysis considers the micro (individual) level and macro (societal/structural) level; Highlights the diversity within socially constructed groups; [Bowleg, 2008; Dill & Zambrana, 2009; Jones & Wijeyesinghe, 2011; Shields, 2008]
SRJ Jones & Abes, 2013
Characteristics of Galaxies - Relation to Identity Shift and change over time; continuous activity and interaction between bodies (dust/haze) - identity as dynamic and results from interaction of many variables; mixed and “messy” versus static or systematic. many forms, shapes and sizes - many ways of representing individual experiences. material is added over time - understanding of identity affected by new situations and experiences. some galaxies contain other smaller galaxies - identity process of one social identity can affect the identity process of others. curriculum by Charmaine L. Wijeyesinghe, 2012
The Exploration of Identity Through Galaxies Review characteristics of galaxies-how used to capture the experience of identity; review IMMI as example of a model of identity built on characteristics and representation of one form of galaxy; Allow students to view images of galaxies (music or quiet background); Using paper, markers, art supplies, ask students to design a galaxy that represents their sense of identity (over time, currently, in past, around one social identity, around all social identities; Have students share their galaxies (small/large group) conclude with discussion of: strengths and challenges of galaxy images to capture identity; how various representations of identity affect how we perceive and understand identity; what other images can be useful in framing the experience of identity. Curriculum by Charmaine L. Wijeyesinghe, 2012
Image courtesy of NASA (www.nasa.gov)
Image courtesy of NASA (www.nasa.gov)
Image courtesy of NASA (www.nasa.gov)
Image courtesy of NASA (www.nasa.gov)
Image courtesy of NASA (www.nasa.gov)
Image courtesy of NASA (www.nasa.gov)
Image courtesy of NASA (www.nasa.gov)
Image courtesy of NASA (www.nasa.gov)
Image courtesy of NASA (www.nasa.gov)
Image courtesy of NASA (www.nasa.gov)
Image courtesy of NASA (www.nasa.gov)
Image courtesy of NASA (www.nasa.gov)
Contact Information Dr. Charmaine Wijeyesinghe, Delmar, NY cwijeyesinghe@Verizon.net (518) 478-9577