UPDATE ON PROJECT ACTIVITIES 2006 PROGRAM YEAR PERMIAN BASIN GEOLOGICAL SYNTHESIS PROJECT Stephen C. Ruppel Bureau of Economic Geology The Jackson School of Geosciences The University of Texas at Austin
2006 HIGHLIGHTS DOE funding cut STARR provides leveraging funding Significant focus on mudrock systems Good progress on original project goals New researchers added to team
NEW PROJECT RESEARCHERS H. Rowe, U. Kentucky: Trace element geochem N. Guven, Texas Tech: clay mineralogy G. Bayless: GeoChem: organic geochemistry K. Schwab: organic geochemistry
2006 FOCUS Clear Fork regional study Ellenburger Mudrock systems Regional tectonics Fractures Outcrop-based analog studies
GEOGRAPHIC SCOPE OF PROGRAM Permian Basin study area Mud shale study area
ORIGINAL PROJECT GOALS Detailed, comprehensive history of Paleozoic depositional and reservoir systems in the Permian Basin Spatially-integrated data bases of depositional, stratigraphic, lithologic, and petrophysical properties
PRODUCTS Text: Written synthesis of history, stratigraphy, facies, structural history, and reservoir development Data: ARC/INFO GIS-based regional structure maps, facies maps, cross sections, core descriptions and data, outcrop descriptions and sections, core data, reservoir data, production data, publications, etc
TEXT REPORTS Regional Syntheses 14 Reports Posted 4 Nearing Completion 1 Recently Started 4 To be Started Soon Field Studies 2 Reports Posted Powerpoint presentations
DATA PRODUCTS Regional structure and facies maps started Regional cross sections 5 formations Core data 124 posted Core photographs started Reservoir cross sections started Reservoir models started Outcrop models Depositional facies models started Seismic models Production data Completed Reference lists 11 posted Core lists 14 posted
OTHER DATA TO BE POSTED X-ray diffraction data Organic geochem data Geothermal gradient maps
2007 FOCUS Complete all remaining reports Increase data collection & uploading Select intervals for focused study Continue outcrop analog studies