Supply Chain Challenge


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Presentation transcript:

Supply Chain Challenge

5 What you told us… Cross-Tab Label Collective action is key: all members of the supply chain must embrace their responsibilities to reduce waste Securing buy-in to the concept of waste reduction at a corporate level, and collating and reporting on data are real challenges There is a need for further guidance on waste reduction for subcontractors and trades In-house training and workshops are the best ways of communicating on tools and guidance Cross-Tab Label 5 0 / 150 2

What area of the supply chain do you represent?

"Berkeley Group saves over £1.4million in landfill tax"

Q1. If 40% of national building projects were to adopt good practice by 2012 what saving do you think this would deliver? 1. About £100 million 2. About £200 million 3. About £300 million Cross-Tab Label 5 0 / 150

Q1. If 40% of national building projects were to adopt good practice by 2012 what saving do you think this would deliver?

Bovis Lend Lease reuses £200,000 worth of construction material

Q2. What is the total collective wastage allowance for materials ordered and wasted across the UK construction sector? 1. About £500m 2. About £1bn 3. About £1.5bn Cross-Tab Label 5 0 / 150

Q2. What is the total collective wastage allowance for materials ordered and wasted across the UK construction sector?

Sainsbury’s develops innovative ‘Centre of Excellence Forum’

Q3. Who do you think should take greatest responsibility for waste reduction? 1. Clients 2. Designers & consultants 3. Contractors 4. Manufacturers & suppliers 5. Waste management contractors 6. All parts of the supply chain Cross-Tab Label 5 0 / 150

Q3. Who do you think should take greatest responsibility for waste reduction?

At the Olympic Park, more than 95 per cent, by weight, of demolition material is reused or recycled

Q4. Which waste stream do you find the most difficult to recycle? 1. Plasterboard 2. Timber 3. Packaging 4. Insulation 5. Plastic Cross-Tab Label 5 0 / 150

Q4. Which waste stream do you find the most difficult to recycle?

Over 200 organisations sign-up to WRAP’s Construction Commitments: Halving Waste to Landfill

Q5. What do you think is the key now to delivering against the target of halving waste to landfill by 2012? 1. Improved partnership 2. Stricter legislation & fines 3. More practical support and guidance 4. Improved financial & environmental data on benefits 5. Other Cross-Tab Label 5 0 / 150

Q5. What do you think is the key now to delivering against the target of halving waste to landfill by 2012?

Signatories could divert 3 million tonnes of waste from landfill

Q6. What have you found to be the greatest challenge in implementing the five key actions that the agreement requires of you? 1. Practical delivery of targets 2. Communicating the actions & securing buy in 3. Collating data, & reporting on it 4. Other Cross-Tab Label 5 0 / 150

Q6. What have you found to be the greatest challenge in implementing the five key actions that the agreement requires of you?

Leadbitter implemented a good practice SWMP on a £25m school build and sent only 1% of their waste arisings to landfill

Q7. In addition to the support that WRAP already offers, what is needed to make Halving Waste to Landfill a practical reality? 1. More guidance for sub-contractors and trades 2. Research to evidence the benefits 3. A good practice accreditation scheme for WMCs 4. More information on sustainable construction materials 5. There’s enough support already Cross-Tab Label 5 0 / 150

Q7. In addition to the support that WRAP already offers, what is needed to make Halving Waste to Landfill a practical reality?

Caledonian Building Systems collaborates with its waste management contractor to deliver against halving waste to landfill

Q8. How can WRAP best communicate its tools and guidance to you and your supply chain? 1. Practical workshops 2. In-house training 3. Webinars 4. Regular e-updates e.g. ezines and bulletins 5. Regularly updating the website with resources 6. Other Cross-Tab Label 5 0 / 150

Q8. How can WRAP best communicate its tools and guidance to you and your supply chain?

One Year On Construction Commitments: Halving Waste to Landfill October 2009