Morning Warm- Up. Have you ever gone to a new place Morning Warm- Up! Have you ever gone to a new place? Were you sure you would like it? Maybe you were a little bit scared too. Why are changes exciting?
Morning Warm- Up. Mr. George Baker goes to school to try to read Morning Warm- Up! Mr. George Baker goes to school to try to read. It’s very hard work. But he is always excited and happy. Why do you get excited about going to school?
Morning Warm- Up! Today we will read about a family that moves to a new house. Wow! That sounds exciting! How do you think they feel? What kind of changes are fun?
Morning Warm- Up. Jan is going to a new school Morning Warm- Up! Jan is going to a new school. She is meeting new friends. Today she is sending a letter to an old friend. How do you think Jan is feeling now? What changes would you tell about in a letter?
Morning Warm- Up. It can be sad to depart from a place you know Morning Warm- Up! It can be sad to depart from a place you know. But it can also be exciting to travel a new route and arrive at a new location. Would you be excited about moving to a new place?