Supervisor Approval –Student Time Effective 1/4/2015 How to get connected to inSite Main MAC Portal Site – click on: Notes There is no “www” in the address You can access this site from anywhere if necessary
Logging in the first time Username The first part of your E-Mail address– Username is “jdoe” Password Last name + last 4 of your Social Security Number Omit any non-alpha characters or spaces “doe1234” The first time you log in you will be asked to set your password. Enter your current password “doe1234” Enter your desired password twice Cannot be doe1234 Cannot be your username Must be at least 8 characters in length & Case Sensitive
Supervisors: Approving Time Click “Approve Student Time” in the menu bar Select the pay period to review time in & Click “Select this pay period >” Review the overview list then click “Start approvals >” You can also pick a single user if necessary For each user you supervise Review the details CAREFULLY for each user 4 Things Supervisors can do: Approve the entries Add an entry (only do this if Student is unable to enter his/her time) Reject entries by checking off the Reject checkbox All rejected entries require comments back to the user Edit any entry by clicking the Edit All edits require comments back to the user A message is sent back to the user of all rejections and edits Switch the Action toggle to Approve and Click Process to Approve and return to List Process and Next to Approve and move to the next person in your list Cancel to return to the overview list (and not approve) Recommendation: Approve Time Weekly Time needs to be approved by MONDAY at 9:00 AM NO EXCEPTIONS! When a holiday falls on a Monday that electronic time sheets are due, time must be approved by 9:00 AM on the previous FRIDAY Following the timeline deadline listed ensures that the Student will receive a paycheck!
Miscellaneous Incorrect time entry – Contact the Student DON’T Give you Log in information to anyone Click “Logout” in the menu bar when you are finished in inSITE The system will automatically log you out if you are inactive for more than 20 minutes You can save the site as a favorite/bookmark To get help Contact Payroll (ext. 6413 or ext. 6410)