Skills for Theatre and Life


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Presentation transcript:

Skills for Theatre and Life IMPROVISATION Skills for Theatre and Life

MISCONCEPTIONS Improvisation is not about being original. Improvisation is not about being clever or witty in the moment. Being funny is not the goal of improvisation, even though humor is often an important element. Improvisation is not a natural gift only available to elite performers.

DEFINITION "Improvisation in the theater is a practice through which actors seek to develop trust in themselves and one another in order that they may conduct unscripted dramas without fear." (Samuel Wells, 2004, p. 11)

7 STEPS TO IMPROV 1. Play 2. Let yourself fail 3. Listening is the willingness to change. 4. Say Yes 5. Say Yes And 6. Play the Game 7. Relax and Have Fun

PRINCIPLES Listening (Willingness to Change) Agreement (Yes, And…) Team Work (Group Mind) Preparedness (Warm up!) The Now (Be fully present…) Honesty Trust Sharing (Let go of control) Acceptance (No mistakes)