Unit 3 Activator Word Sort Work together. Go through all the words in your bag. Categorize the words in whatever ways make sense to you – look for common threads, think about groups they could belong to… Be ready to explain your groups and your reasoning.
Unit 3 Activating Questions Respond to the questions – feel free to free write, bullet journal, etc. Please be ready to discuss your responses.
Romantics Transcendentalists Individualism Dark Romantics How are they alike? How are they different? How do they all correspond to individualism? How do they all correspond to pursuing happiness? What are the implications/effects of these literary movements on American literature and culture?
Romanticism: Big Ideas The 5 Is: Imagination, Intuition, Idealism, Inspiration, Individuality Values feeling and intuition over reason. Values the imagination over reality. Civilization is bad. Nature is good. Educated sophistication is bad. Youthful innocence is good. Individual freedom is important. Nature is the way to find God. Progress is bad.
Transcendentalism: Big Ideas Transcendentalism was a response to romanticism. Individualism is the focus – make yourself happy. Value non-conformity. Self-Reliance – You are your guide. Optimism – People are basically good. Life will work out. Intuition – Trust your feelings. Idealism – People are basically good. Fight for what’s right – strong belief in passive resistance to injustice. Be a rebel Nature = God
Dark Romanticism: Big Ideas Somewhat of an “anti-Transcendentalist” movement Shows individuals failing in their attempts to make changes for the better. Reveals the dark side of human nature Explores the human potential for evil Focus on the tragic rather than the optimistic. Characters are flawed humans, prone to sin and self- destruction, and do not inherently possess wisdom. Believes that humanity and people are basically not good. Individual choices often lead to consequences of sin, pain and evil.
Individualism Romantics Transcendentalists
The Wanderer by Caspar David Freidrich
Poetry Closer Please read, think about, discuss, and annotate the two poetry selections: Robert Frost “The Road Not Taken” Tupac Shakur “In the Depths of Solitude” Respond to the following questions for each poem: What is this poet’s take/argument on individualism? What is this poet’s take/argument on the pursuit of happiness? Would you classify each of these poets as Romantics, Transcendentalists, or Dark Romantics? Why?
Tuesday Warm-Up: Quiz Time! 1) How Transcendentalist are you? 2) Are you a “light” Romantic or a “dark” Romantic? Please take both quizzes and have your results ready.
Mindfulness: Focus on yourself and your happiness How did the Romantics and Transcendentalists contribute to the mindfulness movement? How mindful are you? A 24 Hour Practice – track your hours – follow-up activity tomorrow…
Emerson vs. Thoreau: Viewpoints Read two of the most well-known excerpts from the two “fathers” of this time frame: Ralph Waldo Emerson: “Self-Reliance” Henry David Thoreau: “Where I Lived and What I Lived For” (from Walden) Think, discuss, and annotate as you read. Then complete the Viewpoint Matrix – for each of the major concepts, how do the authors approach their ideas on those subjects? Provide textual evidence either as your response or to support your response. Choose one topic of your own to compare and contrast in the last row.
Tomorrow – Meet in 303 Lab Don’t forget your 24 Hour Mindfulness Activity!
Thursday Warm-Up: Happiness Survey Please fill out the Happiness Survey. You can be honest – this is for your eyes only Watch this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4sXBEfIXUno Discussion Questions: What’s your main takeaway from this video? What could you do to be 10% happier? How does this concept reflect our Romantic and Transcendentalist ideals?
Odes to Nature Poetry Analysis Activity Your group has been assigned four poems by Romantic and Transcendentalist writers. Please focus on your assigned pieces. Work together to read, think about, and discuss each poem. Then respond to the guiding questions for each piece.
Friday Warm-Up Please read the poem “Autumn” by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Then, answer these questions in the margins: How does Longfellow communicate his feelings about autumn? How does Longfellow describe autumn? Identify both the tone and the mood. What words and phrases would you suggest he should use to describe autumn?
Our Field Trip Follow-Up Activity – due Monday Use your experiences from today to craft a narrative piece – a poem, short story, or essay. Be creative and have fun Just be sure to include your sensory details and your experiences in nature today. Include a visual – either the photograph you snapped today at the end, or a drawing/sketch that represents your experience. Your final draft may be typed or hand-written; just please be sure it is neat and legible.