Weekly Activities Basketball Yoga Specialty Hour Field Trips Shabbat Instructional/Fun Swimming Cooking/Nutrition Art Magic Karate Lunch Soccer Basketball Yoga Specialty Hour Field Trips Shabbat And much more……..
Special Days JEWISH VALUE WACKY WEDNESDAY FRIDAY FUN THEME Week 1 JEWISH VALUE WACKY WEDNESDAY FRIDAY FUN THEME Week 1 Hachnasat Orchim - Welcoming All Pajama Day Once Upon a Time Week 2 Respecting Differences Crazy Hair Day Sports Day Week 3 Kehila -Community NO CAMP Wild West Week 4 Derech Eretz – Proper Behavior Emoji Day Celebrate your country Week 5 L’Dor V’Dor – From generation to generation Backwards Day Decades Week 6 Love for Israel Blue and White Day I Love Israel Day Week 7 Tikun Olam – Repairing the World Crazy Hat & Socks Day Out of this World Week 8 V’ahavta L’raecha K’mocha - Respect Others Like Yourself Green Day Surfing USA
Staff Structure Unit Leader Senior Counselor Junior Counselor Madatz/CIT
CARPOOL J1 J2 SCHECK FAMILY PLAZA SAVAGE PLAYGROUND Yeladim Chaverim Giborim Madli Teen T’nuah, Tiny, Extreme Gymnastics Tennis Soccer JCAT All Sports J Trekkers Basketball Swim Academy Half-Day Swim Academy Junior Aquatics Kitanim Tsofim Ometz Premium One Week Camps J1 J2
Carpool Route
Carpool Procedures TIME - MORNING: 8:30 – 9:00 AM - AFTERNOON: 3:40 – 4:00 PM Older Sibling Will Accompany Youngest Sibling Early Pickup: Pre-arranged Written Request Missed Carpool = Park and Bring Camper(s) to Camp Reception in Lipton Lobby NO CELLPHONE Use During Carpool
To enter our campus you will need... Hang 2018 Camp Carpool Hanger on Rear View Mirror Place Carpool Camper Card on Passenger Side Dashboard
Carpool Hanger & Carpool Camper Card J1 SAVAGE PLAYGROUND J2 SCHECK FAMILY PLAZA
Free Bus Transportation Ages: 6+, under 6 must be accompanied by older sibling, no one under 5 years old. Parents must be present at Pick-Up and Drop-Off. Stations: Outside of Presidential Estates, Harbor Islands, Highland Lakes, Aventura Isles, Waterways. Registration Required. Confirmation will be Emailed by A1A Transportation.
Extended Care “Kids Connection” Ages: 4 years old + Morning 7:30 – 8:30 am Outdoor play Afternoon 4:00 – 6:00 pm and Fridays 4:00 – 5:30 pm Games, Movies, Athletics, Arts & Crafts (including snacks) Registration required Additional fee
Camp Nurse & Medical Forms Our Camp Nurse’s office will be located on the Hillel Campus. A First Aid station will be located at the MAR-JCC Pool. All medications need to be provided to Camp Nurse. All medical information needs to be communicated to Camp Nurse and Unit Leader(s) prior to the beginning of Camp. Blue and Yellow (physical and immunization) forms need to be completed and submitted to Unit Leader(s) prior to the beginning of Camp.
Food and Allergies Glatt Kosher Lunch and Snacks are provided. No outside food permitted. Our menus are reviewed and approved by a licensed nutritionist. Every day, as an extra option, we offer: salad bar, tuna, hard boiled eggs, and soy nut butter and jelly sandwiches. Allergies need to be communicated to Camp Nurse and Unit Leader(s) prior to the beginning of Camp.
Camp Communication & Pictures Unit Leader’s email Camp Receptionist’s email: Camp Directors & Administrative Staff email list can be found in your group’s packet. For pictures and updates: Join Your Group’s Homeroom App. Like our Camp Sol Taplin Page on Facebook. Unit Leaders will send pictures periodically via Homeroom.
Birthday Celebrations Celebrate your Child’s Birthday with Us!
Dates To Remember June 13th – Meet Your Counselors, 6–8pm June 18th – First Day of Camp July 4th – CAMP IS CLOSED August 10th – Last Day of Camp August 13th - 17th – Mini-Camp Open
Camp Sol Taplin 2018 Thank you for coming!! JUNE 18 – AUGUST 10 Summer Fun and Jewish Spirit All-In-One! JUNE 18 – AUGUST 10