Liam Paup Pranav Kartha Joe Zhang Rohan Perisetla The Guide Chapter 6 Liam Paup Pranav Kartha Joe Zhang Rohan Perisetla
Dominant Effect Narayan introduces an external conflict in Raju’s village to prompt a shift in his moral duties and characterization, developing the internal conflict that will move him towards becoming a true swami.
Key Terms Mentioned in the novel Dasara: A very important holiday in India Deepavali: A very important holiday in India Mahatma: Great Soul, originated from Ghandi Bhagavad Gita: Important Book Krishna: Incarnation of Vishnu Bonda: Pretty good South Indian food Sadhu: Ascetic or holy man Ghee: Clarified Butter
The Drought The village that Velan belongs to is in trouble, the rain is not coming. What is the motive behind this drought? Necessity I argue. Raju is posing as a holy man, and it seems that the gods are not happy about this. Could he be tested? If the drought continues, then perhaps the people will lose faith in him and become angry, as they lose crops and animals.
Relationship with Velan Swamiji and Velan are like two friends, but what will happen when he learns that Swamiji has been to jail, and is actually a fraud? Velan is the one who originally found Raju, and who trusts him completely. What will occur from Raju telling his life story? Will Raju be able to remain as Swamiji without Velan telling the villagers of his holiness?
Bad or good? The penultimate question that this chapter is concerned with
Intro to Snapchat Story! Snapchatters/Characters: Raju Velan
Snapchat “I am a poor man and you are poor men why do you give me all this? You must stop it” (69). Here, Raju questions the role of the holy man that has been forced on him. He does not see what the townspeople see in him, and realizes that in truth, he isn’t all that different from the villagers. However, the villagers don’t see this, and treat him with reverence and respect.
Snapchat “The first rains have totally kept off, Swamiji; and the millet crop, which we should have harvested by now...It’s a big worry.” “Do you know, Swamiji, our cattle which go out to graze...having no grass to eat?” (70) The common people view Raju as a true swami, and treat him with the appropriate respect of a true swami. They place value on his opinion, and respect his opinion highly.
Snapchat “Can’t be as bad as that, Velan”(72). We start to see Raju unwillingly accept his role as a holy man, attempting to use his influence in a positive manner, to help the people. However, he remains doubtful of his role as a holy man “Can’t be as bad as that, Velan”(72).
Snapchat Velan’s brother: “[He is] just cut up here and there” (74). “Cattle have begun to die… a buffalo was found dead on the forest path beyond our village...It belonged to no one” (72-73) Here we see an example of this; the townspeople have an issue, and Raju is forced to console them and help them deal with it, due to his role as the swami. Velan’s brother: “[He is] just cut up here and there” (74).
Snapchat ”I’ll not eat till they are good”(77) Here, he begins to accept his role, and use it for the greater good. Though Raju was originally using the role of swami fraudulently, he begins to take his role more seriously. ”I’ll not eat till they are good”(77)
Snapchat “That boy told us so. Did you not tell him so?” (86) “Velan, you have been a friend to me. You must listen to me now. What makes you think that I can bring the rain?” (86) “That boy told us so. Did you not tell him so?” (86) “Do you expect it to rain tomorrow, sir?” (84) Raju begins to have feelings of self-doubt; he feels like he is a fraud and does not deserve the praise that he is getting
Snapchat “What else should we do?” (87) “Its not that I am asking. I want to know what made you think so about me.” (86) “What else should we do?” (87) “I’m not a saint, Velan, I’m just an ordinary human like everyone else. Listen to my story. You will know it yourself.”(87) This expands on this, showing Raju’s reluctance and feelings of inadequacy as the swami.
Rationale The medium of Snapchat allows a two-way conversation through pictures; often considered to be more telling than words. Good way to express struggles via facial expressions, gives a sense of the emotions and tones felt in the moment. In addition, this is one of the few chapters that does not have the flashback. Snapchat is temporary and you can only witness the present in a few moments unlike the flashbacks we have seen so far. It’s hip and chill with the kids, yo.
Follow Swamiji on Twitter @TheRealSwamiji +918960134993 Extension: +0000121 +918960134993EXT;+0000121 We should probably add a screenshot afterwards
Discussion Questions At this point, is Raju still the devious, sly man he appeared as in previous chapters, or has he ascended? Does Raju have a duty to remain in Mangala while the people around him suffer? Analyze Raju’s decision to tell Velan his real background. What are his motives and what outcomes could come out of this disclosure?
Exit Slip Please take out a notecard or half sheet and prepare yourself to answer this intriguing question: To what extent is Raju’s relationship with the villagers/Velan positive for the community? Use textual evidence to support your answer.