Time management and motivation UniOGS, Fall 2015 Student counselling psychologist Pia Partanen
Monograph or article-based dissertation? goals and subgoals In a research group or by yourself? social support Other responsibilities; teaching, other tasks time management What will you participate in and why?
Review your previous studies/other independent projects: Which working methods supported your proceeding (for example with the master’s thesis)? What were the challenges you faced?
Possible challenges: Time management Getting started on Proceeding Writing Motivation Managing negative emotions Uncertainty concerning the future …and present situation, for example funding
Setting and splitting of objectives Start with the big picture, postgraduate degree, and set up an objective, for example: ”I will graduate in 3 years” (notice other studies and responsibilities) What subobjectives does it include? Subobjectives form the path towards the main objective, for example ”I will write this article”, ”I will write the abstract” Focus on one subobjective at a time and think carefully what kind of steps it requires from you, for example ”I will read these books/articles”, ”I will analyze results” Proceed systematically step by step, for example ”today I’ll go to the library”, ”… I’ll read 50 pages”
Objectives and time management Plan your upcoming workweek and workday in advance Calender (weekly and daily) ”Where will I start/continue tomorrow” ”To do” lists, ”buffet of tasks” prioritization! Evaluate your plan and modify if necessary; what is realistic on weekly basis? On daily basis? Focus on things at hand! When you have started with the big picture and cut it into subobjectives you can rely on everything having its own time and place Make a commitment! If you find yourself deterred from the plan, do not worry, direct yourself towards your objectives as soon as possible. Have mercy on yourself but do not use it as an excuse for standing still.
Objectives and time management are beneficial because You know what to do and when to do A clear plan will help you achieve your goals in scheduled time and releases energy from constant puzzling with time usage After scheduled working hours you can enjoy your leisure without disturbing ”I should…” thinking Oulun yliopisto, Opiskelijakeskus
PROCRASTINATION= DELAY (Counseling the Procrastinator in Academic Settings, 2004) Regular working routines Affecting feelings of self- efficacy Enhance social support! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4P785j15Tzk 18.11.2018
Getting started on.. Start today Start despite of how you are feeling Identify possible procrastination and time-killers learn how to handle them Start with a small piece of work Start with the easiest part Focus on the positive sides and outcomes of working Prepare tomorrow’s work today Unveil your goals to others! My tomatoes!
Efficiency in use of time, tips: Effective hours: when are you most efficient? Concentration: silence or background music? The ideal time for concentrating is 20-50 min. Physical environment: couch at home? or library? Not too many transitions! Task difficulty level: is the substance of the task familiar to you, narrow or wide, in foreign language how much time is needed? The quality of the result you want to accomplish The time needed for finishing Finally: Let it go! Tehokas ajan käyttö vaatii itsetuntemusta ja kokeilua! POMODORO-tekniikka (sana tulee tomaattia muistuttavasta munakellosta) – keskity 20 minuuuttia, pidä 5 minuutin tauko ja kirjaa lyhyesti mitä teit, tee uudestaan. 4 kierroksen jälkeen pidä (2h) pidempi tauko (30 minuuttia. Kokeileppa tomaatti-tekniikka!!!! Oulun yliopisto, Opiskelijakeskus
Motivation Hold on to the things/substance in your research that enhances enthusiasm and interest in it What motivated you to doctoral studies in the first place? When you feel motivated, start working immediately Motivation also arises through doing (inside out vs. outside in), Ask for help, discuss your concerns or write about the challenges you are facing solve problems when they are still small Learn to handle criticism Limit your daily/weekly working, remember leisure and relaxation Diminish uncertainty concerning future by increasing your knowledge about the labour-market, developing job-seeking skills, identifying your expertise!
If you get stuck… Talk to your supervisor or colleagues about your situation Read about your research topic to find a new angle to it Read a good (writing) guide, take into account the Master's Guides Loosen (strict) requirements, find new ways of doing/proceeding Use free writing technique, it doesn’t need to be complete at once! Writing is a process and doing it over time refines the text
Student’s tips for keeping up the motivation Clarify the structure of your thesis Keep the meaning/relevance and the attraction of the study clear in your mind Working in a group: team spirit, positive feedback Accountability to the group, advisor, or other supports proceeding Choose a working place where you get things done university, home, library or a combination of these Perseverance and self-management Once you get started, proceeding will further your motivation Self-esteem and sense of self-efficacy will grow trough proceeding! ”get it done and get a job!” Setting the thesis in right proportions on the life axis
Nobel Prize winner in physics ”Victory usually goes to those green enough to underestimate the monumental hurdles they are facing” -Richard Feynman- Nobel Prize winner in physics
Reading tips: Tohtoritakuu, Carol Kiriakos - Kimmo Svinhufvud www.tohtoritakuu.fi Graduopas, Juha T. Hakala