Ageing Management Session Name: Principles of Ageing Management Speaker Details: Johann Austin
2nd NUCLEAR REGULATORY INFORMATION CONFERENCE Equipment List Time Limited Ageing Analysis (TLAA) Ageing Mechanisms Scheduled Maintenance Programme Technique Qualification Screen Out Evaluate Corrective Maintenance Monitor Inspection Testing Adjust Refurbish Replace Condition Based Maintenance
2nd NUCLEAR REGULATORY INFORMATION CONFERENCE Equipment List SR DER Safety Rel. ND Code Class DER ND NSF Not Safety Equipment list is derived from the plant classifications. All safety related equipment is included. All non-destruct equipment is included. All design extension equipment is included.
2nd NUCLEAR REGULATORY INFORMATION CONFERENCE Ageing Mechanism Observation Is a process (verb) Is a condition Cannot be observed directly Condition can typically be recorded and/or measured Can be calculated provided that all the information is available Can only be observed once some degradation has occurred Is dealt with in Time Limited Ageing Analysis Is dealt with in Inspections and Maintenance Identified through Research Identified through Operational Experience
Separation of Responsibilities 2nd NUCLEAR REGULATORY INFORMATION CONFERENCE Separation of Responsibilities Design Operation Identify Equipment List Schedule Inspections Identify Ageing Mechanisms Ensure qualification of equipment Determine Inspection Techniques Train, Evaluate and Qualify Staff Establish Qualification Requirements Perform Inspections Determine optimum frequency Evaluate Results against criteria Establish Acceptance Criteria Raise non-conformities where necessary and notify repairs Benchmark programme against International practices Trend results and provide projections for maintenance Evaluate Effectiveness
2nd NUCLEAR REGULATORY INFORMATION CONFERENCE Group Design Margins Concept Event State Preparation Maintenance Corrective Margins not Assured Unplanned Failure Failed Not Planned Preventive Margins Assured Condition Based Surveillance Not Failed Planned Sheduled Frequency