The Ixworth school GCSE SUCCESS EVENING AIM: To support and challenge students to make their GCSE experience the very best it can be in terms of well-being and attainment!
The Ixworth school GCSE SUCCESS EVENING ‘Start with the end in mind’
MOCK EXAMINATIONS In their GCSEs... Immediately after half term February 2018 Walking, talking, mocks Year 10: practice questions; w/c 3rd June – 2 weeks
THE CHALLENGE … In their GCSE years students face a range of challenging situations: social, academic, emotional… One of the greatest challenges is understanding and maintaining the long term engagement and commitment GCSE examinations require. Parent/ carers are a key source of support on this journey.
PRACTICALITIES What? Completion of homework, regular revision, examination preparation across all GCSE subjects; Where? Work space at home and other possible settings; When? Planning, revision timetables, balancing social and study time; How? Show My Homework, subject specific revision resources, different revision methods;
THE REALITY There’s always work to be done; Revision is active; Time away from studying is vital; Talk it through; Everyone needs support at some time;