Decline of the Western Roman Empire
Decline of the Western Roman Empire Begins with reign of Commodus AD 192 Lasts about 300 years Three phases of decline
Three Phases of Decline 3rd Century Crisis Revival and Division of East and West Invasions
3rd Century Crisis c. AD 200-300 Economic Political Military
Economic Sources of prosperity dry up Trade- more pirates on the Mediterranean Sea and barbarians disrupting overland trade Roman gold and silver leaving Empire to purchase luxury goods from the east (China, India, Arabia) causing trade deficit and inflation Overuse of farmland causing decreased harvests
Political Citizen loyalty decreases from Republican times Political office no longer attractive. Most lose money while holding office Armies are heavily involved in politics, especially in the selection of the Emperor
Military More losses to barbarians Soldiers fight for money not patriotism. Soldiers wages rise More barbarians hired into army- less loyal
Revival and Division Under Emperor Diocletian AD 284 Doubled the size of army Price and wage controls Persecution of Christians Increase prestige of Emperor- more like Persian Emperors Division of Empire by East/West, Greek/Latin. One Emperor for each half. Diocletian takes eastern half