Warm Up Think about a time when you moved from one place to another. Why did you make the move? Was it better or for worse? Did you have to move again? What was the effect of the move on you and your family? THINK, PAIR and SHARE
Creation and Decline Byzantine Empire
Fall of the Roman Empire Political weakness Economic problems Military decline Invasions
In trying to save the Roman Empire, Constantine moved the capital from Rome to Byzantium and renamed it Constantinople in 330 AD.
While the western part of the Roman empire fell in 476 AD, the Byzantine Empire lasted 1,000 years.
Questions Why did the capital of the Roman Empire move from the “Boot” to Byzantium? The Roman emperor Constantine moved it there. What did he name it? He renamed it Constantinople
Differences Catholic Pope ruled Tribes took over sections Chaos Holy Roman Empire Byzantine Empire Catholic Pope ruled Tribes took over sections Chaos Feudalism Manorialism Eastern Orthodox Church Location-center of trade Classic cultures- Greek, Roman, Christian, Middle Eastern Strong Central government-single set of laws Large army from taxes Differences
Byzantine- Strong government, cultural Questions Who ruled the “boot” side of Rome? Pope and the Catholics What was the religion of the Byzantine empire? Eastern Orthodox Describe the situation in HRE and Byzantine Empire? HRE- Chaos and Tribal Byzantine- Strong government, cultural
Economics, Social, Political, Enviromental Holy Roman Empire Byzantine Empire Manorialsim- Each manor produced its own food, clothing, and shelter. Taxes to your lord Feudalism- Giving land to his nobles in exchange for their promise of loyalty and service Charlemagne crowned “Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire” Empire included France, Germany, Holland, Belgium, Northern Italy Crossroad of the Silk Road United by Eastern Orthodoxy Strong Central government – powerful emperors with a single set of laws Empire included Turkey, Greece, Southern Italy, Middle East, North Africa, Southern Spain Justinian was best known Emperor. Economics, Social, Political, Enviromental
Justinian’s Code Justinian was emperor of Byzantine in 527-565 A.D. Collected all of the existing Roman laws Organized into a single code Listed all laws and opinions on each subject Law on religion- all persons in the empire must be Eastern Orthodox
Justinian’s Sophia Hagia
Justinian’s Sophia Hagia
Questions Who was Justinian? Justinian was emperor of Byzantine in 527-565 A.D. What are two things Justinian is known for during his reign? Sophia Hagia and the Justinian Code