Roman Empire CRACL - Empire
Empire is Divided WEST: EAST: The Empire from 30BC to 100AD is divided into provinces. These are distant outposts with governors ruling in the name of the “Caesar.” WEST: Italy Rest of Europe - West/North EAST: Asia Egypt Asia Minor Greece
What the Empire gave Romans. CRACL What the Empire gave Romans.
C - COINS Contain Caesar’s faces on coins. Made trade easier. Economy strong.
R - ROADS First civilization to pave roads. All roads lead to Rome. Why? Benefits: Trade: Rome is trading mecca. Army - Can travel faster.
A - ARMIES What made Rome strong. Military loyal and well paid, can be a huge asset.
C - CITIZENSHIP Offered to more people.
L - LAWS Need laws to keep order, avoid chaos. Law = Order Order = the glue which holds an empire/society together.
Significant Caesars There were 70 total in Roman history. 6 die naturally - old age, etc. 7 die of an apparent illness. 57 die of assassination - some kind of conspiracy was involved.
The Beginning of the End The last of the 70 emperors is killed the same day he is sworn into office. He was only 15 years old. The Western Empire falls. There is now total chaos in Rome.