Promoting European Excellence Rooted in Regions and Cities: Territorial Connections Anna Lisa Boni Secretary General EUROCITIES @EUROCITIEStweet.


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Presentation transcript:

Promoting European Excellence Rooted in Regions and Cities: Territorial Connections Anna Lisa Boni Secretary General EUROCITIES @EUROCITIEStweet


The future of R&I: EUROCITIES position on FP9 Key messages: Ensuring an ambitious support for integrated urban solutions, i.e. involving cities as partners when programme priorities are developed!, maintain at least the current budget and consider a dedicated mission on sustainable cities Supporting cities as drivers of innovation, i.e. implement a new action on ‘territorial connections’ to develop a network of local innovation ecosystems at EU level;

The future of R&I: EUROCITIES position on FP9 Key messages: Strengthen capacity building activities, mutual learning exercises and peer-to-peer exchanges to ensure replicability and scaling-up of solutions in cities throughout Europe; Further reflect local needs in the programme design, including more flexibility to adjust actions and budget in the period between project submission and grant approval and ensuring adequate urban expertise in the evaluation of proposals.

The territorial collaboration: local innovation ecosystems Innovation is driven by collaboration and interaction of the different local and regional players (LIE); city authorities’ role: connecting stakeholders, facilitating cooperation, testing and experimenting with new solutions acting as leader in innovation policies and actions reaching out to civil society; Foster and support a demand-driven and collaborative approach to innovation, based on design thinking, replicability of solutions and collaboration with stakeholders and citizens; Collaboration needs to be scaled-up at Eu level;

‘Territorial connections’ action: supporting a network of LIE funding LIE connection at EU level to foster: Innovation policies, activities and infrastructure and enhance local and regional impact; Interaction between stakeholders (peer-to-peer exchanges, knowledge and tech. transfer and replicability and scalability of solutions; Open innovation methodology to engage with creative communities

Thank you!