Slide #1 Planet’s Name (5 pts) List group member(s) first/last names (3 pts) Picture of planet.(2 pts)
Slide 2 Slide #2 – Named for (10 pts) Who was the planet named after? (3pts) Summary of Greek name (a few facts) (5pts) Picture of the god (2pts) Do not use picture as a background!
Slide 3 Slide 3 Interior and surface (18 pts) 3 Facts on what the interior and/or surface of the planet is like (color (why?), elemental make-up, layers, etc). (5 pts each) - 3 facts must be bulleted (Just like the Earth has layers, other planets have layers) Picture (3pts)
Slide 4 Slide #4 – Atmosphere (18 pts) (composition of the air, greenhouse effect, atmosphere layers, etc) 3 Facts (15 pts) – 3 facts must be bulleted Picture (3 pts)
Slide 5 Slide #5 – (9 pts) Does it have moons? If so, how many? (3 pts) Rings? What are they made of?(3 pts) If no moons or rings, just state that the planet has no rings or moons Picture (3 pts) Do not use picture as a background!
Slide 6 Slide #6 – (12 pts) The distance from the sun in AU’s (3pts) Revolution (how long it takes to revolve around the sun) (3pts) Rotation (how long it takes to rotate one time) (3pts) Temperature range in Celcius (How hot? Cold?) (3pts).
Slide 7 Slide #7 – (10 points) Two different facts you learned about your planet that were not previously included (4pts each) Picture (2 pts)
Slide 8 Slide #8 - Works Cited (6 points) Documentation (6 pts) List websites and book name with author. You should use at least 3! SAVING- File when complete must be saved as planet name_final_last name (TO YOUR STUDENT DRIVE FIRST) (ex.- Jupiter_final_bales) (-5pts if not done correctly. Must be able to be opened for presentation or points deducted.) To save to the DROPBOX Save to your student drive first (One with your student ID) Copy and paste your project to My dropbox Student share Schindewolf Students Bales_J Dropbox (Paste to your period) Presentation- (6 pts)