EU SKILLS PROFILE TOOL for Third Country Nationals DG EMPLOYMENT WEBINAR 24th of November 2017 Dennis van Gessel DG EMPL, European Commission
Help migrants to integrate Benefit from incoming skills MIGRANTS' SKILLS – why? Help migrants to integrate "Integration Action Plan of Third-Country Nationals" DG HOME+ Benefit from incoming skills "New Skills Agenda for Europe" DG EMPL+
NEW SKILLS AGENDA FOR EUROPE Quality & relevance of skills Visibility and comparability Skills intelligence 1. Upskilling Pathways 5. Revision of EQF 7. Revision of EUROPASS 2. Key Competences Framework 8. Analysis of brain drain 3. VET as a first choice 9. Blueprint for Sectoral Cooperation on Skills 6. Skills profile tool for 3rd country nationals 4. Digital Skills and Jobs coalition 10. Initiative on graduate tracking
EU SKILLS PROFILE TOOL – aims Make skills visible Understand needs Offer advice
EU SKILLS PROFILE TOOL – users National authorities and other services in (early) contact with third country nationals (asylum applicants, refugees, beneficiaries of international protection, etc.) The Tool is accessible directly online Voluntary and free of charge Flexible use – users choose which sections to fill in, in one go or several sittings The Tool has been designed with flexibility in mind, and with different target users, who may use it in the most appropriate way for them. The main users include, but are not limited to: National authorities responsible for reception and integration of refugees Reception centres Employment assistance services Education and training advisers Social services Non-governmental organisations and charities offering services to refugees and other third country nationals How the form is filled in can be decided by users: a Third Country National and an adviser could sit and complete the Tool together, with two languages side-by-side on the screen; a Third Country National could complete "Personal information" and "Skills identification" sections on their own and an adviser could complete the "Overall appraisal and recommended next steps" section separately; it can be filled in in one or several sittings (please see section 4.4 on how to save and re-upload a profile to continue working on it).
EU SKILLS PROFILE TOOL – key facts Documenting skills, not assessment Basis for advice and referrals to other services Record and share data across the EU (multilingual tool, use of international classifications - ISO, ISCED, ESCO, NACE) Data editor, not data store (profiles to be saved locally, import/export functionality) Standard international classifications used: - ISO (for languages and countries) - ISCED-F 2013 (for education levels) - European Skills, Competences, Qualifications and Occupations (ESCO) - Statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community (NACE)
EU SKILLS PROFILE TOOL – languages Multilingual online tool, bilingual screen All EU languages (except Gaelic) 7 non-EU languages: Turkish, Arabic, Farsi, Pashto, Sorani, Somali, Tigrinya Other languages may be added subject to demand • Arabic (Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates (UAE), Yemen) • Farsi (Iran, Afganistan) • Pashto (Afganistan) • Sorani / Central Kurdish (Iraq) • Somali (Somalia) • Tigrinya (Eritrea and northern Ethiopia)
Part 1 personal details and key background info Part 2 more in-depth info on skills, qualifications and experiences of the individual Part 3 more detailed info on what the individual expects or wishes to do (e.g. language or other training, work) Part 4 outcomes of the identification and documentation exercise; advice for next steps and referrals to other services/organisations Can fill in as many, or as few fields as possible A summary document available in pdf Upload documents/repository
EU SKILLS PROFILE TOOL – structure Part 1 personal information Part 2 expectations Part 3 skills identification Part 4 overall appraisal and next steps Part 5 summary
EU SKILLS PROFILE TOOL – next steps 6 Nov 2017 release for public use 4Q 2017 dissemination: webinars, events, videos manuals Future development: Guidance section Availability of other language versions Statistical information Interest in webinars?
EU SKILLS PROFILE TOOL – links https:/ Feedback/questions: Thank you!