LA 9
Welcome We’ll get to the syllabus and other important things tomorrow, but today, we’ll cover some super important issues: Dresscode Food and drink and coffee cart Hall passes Cell phones
Appropriate Cellphone use, during class time is... As a learning tool During specified teacher directed times Having your phone on silent and out of sight, unless it is being used for a class activity (Quizlet, Kahoot, etc.) Utilizing the phone as a positive, constructive tool for humanity
Inappropriate Cell Phone use during class time is... Using social media (this includes texting and messaging) Gaming As a distraction from learning and/or as a way to distract others Watching videos/Youtube Taking pictures/videos
If you have a special circumstance... Let me know as you enter the classroom if you must have your phone out, and we can talk about that. Put your phone on vibrate, and it must be face down. Quietly step outside to take the call or answer a text--just outside the door, so if I stick my head out I can see you Come back ready to re-engage in the lesson
When your cell phone use becomes a problem... I will ask you to put the phone away the first time If this is a repeated problem (that period, or daily) discipline action will be taken (phone call home, office referral) SOLUTION: Pay attention to the teacher’s frustration with your phone use. Be respectful of the learning environment and other students’ right to learn.
When you use your phone, remember to THINK T= Is it TRUE? H= Is it HELPFUL? I= Is it INSPIRING? N= Is it NECESSARY? K= Is it KIND?
When you leave the classroom IF you are leaving the classroom (during work time, with teacher permission) you must put your phone in the box before you take the bathroom pass. (Yeah, we know you text in the bathroom. We know that’s half the reason why you leave. It can wait. )