Distinguished Teacher Award Processes & Procedures Excellence in Teaching Committee 2017-2018 Academic Year
Objectives of Presentation Distinguished Teacher Award Objectives of Presentation Participants will learn the following: Timeline for review and selection of 2018 Distinguished Teacher Documentation to include in teaching portfolio Guidelines for observing face-to-face classes Process to notify nominees of final status
Distinguished Teacher Award Timeline Timeline for review and selection: Friday, January 19, 2018 at 4:30 p.m. Deadline to submit hard copy of teaching portfolio Take to Office of the Provost in 205 Howell McDowell January 29 to April 13, 2018 Committee observes face-to-face classes Committee has “observer” access to courses in Blackboard No later than mid-May 2018 Committee forwards recommendation to Dr. Ralston, Provost No later than end-of-June 2018 All nominees notified of their final status Fall Convocation 2018 Award recipient officially announced
Teaching Portfolio Nominees must submit a teaching portfolio to be considered. Use existing materials whenever possible: Avoid creating extra work for yourself Nominees typically submit one 3-ring binder Deliver a hard copy of the portfolio: To the Office of the Provost in 205 Howell McDowell No later than Friday, January 19, 2018 at 4:30 pm. Portfolios may be submitted early but no deadline extensions will be granted.
Teaching Portfolio Please include the following in your teaching portfolio: Curriculum vitae Statement of teaching philosophy Syllabi for Spring 2018 and other selected classes Sample tests, assignments and teaching materials for selected classes Student, alumni, peer and/or department chair evaluations of teaching Summarized data preferred for student evaluations NOTE: Avoid soliciting letters of support from all current MSU students
Include additional documentation as appropriate to Teaching Portfolio Include additional documentation as appropriate to support your case for excellence in teaching. Examples include: Cover letter or executive brief Samples of feedback to students with identifiers removed Examples of research and service directly related to teaching such as: Journal articles and conference presentations focusing on the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) Projects with Undergraduate Research or Engagement Fellows
Classroom Observations Members of the Excellence in Teaching Committee will visit face-to-face classes for each nominee. Guidelines include: All visits will be between January 29 and April 13, 2018. No committee member will come to a class, lab or private lesson unannounced. Committee members will arrange their own visitation schedule via direct contact with nominees. Committee members will stay for the entire session unless a prior arrangement has been made to arrive late or leave early. More than one committee member may observe a particular session. Committee members are listed on the Faculty Senate website.
Final Notification Process Distinguished Teacher Award Final Notification Process By the end of June 2018 All nominees who submit a portfolio and are reviewed will: Receive written notification of their final status Be notified at their home address The award recipient will be contacted: Directly via telephone At their home or cell phone number NOTE: email preferred number to j.little@moreheadstate.edu
Questions Contact: Jennifer Little Vice Chair – Excellence in Teaching Committee Office – Camden-Carroll Library Office Phone – (606) 783-5352 Email – j.little@moreheadstate.edu