Key Question: How can volcanoes be managed by warning and intervention? Key Words: Community Preparedness
Managing Volcanoes: Volcanic Warning and Intervention Although prediction is much more successful for volcanoes than earthquakes because physical and chemical pre-cursors exist before an eruption, it is only one part of successful volcano management! Once a successful prediction is made then the community must be warned by effective communication from the scientists and local authorities. The more developed a country, then the better its preparation before an event, usually.
Community Preparedness So what can be done? Take a few minutes in pairs to brain storm some ideas. Alert Levels System: To communicate to public set up after Pinatubo 1-5. Evacuation Drills Building Hazard Resistant Designs Land-use planning Controlling physical hazards from the volcano Aid and Insurance Do Nothing! - Acceptance of the hazard (Fatalism)
Now rank your list numerically from the most to least effective management strategy and put a key in the margin! 1. Land-use planning 2. Alert Levels System 3. Evacuation 4. Building Hazard Resistant Designs 4. Manage the physical properties of the volcano 5. Aid and insurance 6. Do Nothing Now colour code which are most likely to be MDC or LDC Responses?
MDC LDC 1. Land-use planning 2. Alert Levels System 3. Evacuation 4. Building Hazard Resistant Designs 4. Manage the physical properties of the volcano 5. Aid and insurance 6. Do Nothing Now colour code which are most likely to be MDC or LDC Responses?
1. Land-use planning Nervado del Ruiz 1985, Columbia LDC 23,000 people killed by a lahar that hit Armero (46 miles away from volcano). Disaster could have been prevented as Armero was built on past mudflow deposits. Highlighting the need for land-use planning
1. Land-use planning Mt St Helen’s 1980, USA Land-use planning involves mapping past deposits to make a Hazard Map and avoid the areas of highest risk!
2. Alert Levels Pinatubo 1991 The USGS set up a monitoring observatory (PVOCS) on Clarke Air Force Base, monitoring gas emissions, seismicity and ground deformation as well as taking samples and aerial surveillance. They then used this data from the volcano to effectively predict the eruption and warn the public using a clear alert level system!
3. Evacuation Pinatubo 1991 and Mt Unzen 58,000 People were safely evacuated surrounding Pinatubo Earlier that year in Japan on Mt Unzen 41 scientists were killed as they entered the evacuation zone. Proving evacuation does save lives! Most famously Maurice Krafft died after saying ‘if I die tomorrow I don’t care’
4. Hazard Resistant Design Sloping Roofs to Prevent Ash Build up e.g. Philippines Volcanic ash gets heavy when wet and collapses cheaply built tin roofs in LDC’s like Phillipines. Pyroclastic flow barriers Are not effective as they are too fast and have too much force so you have to map, avoid and evacuate!
5. Managing the Volcanoes Physical Properties Diverting Lava: Etna 1991-2. Saving Zafferana On ETNA, they used concrete blocks, an Earthen Barrier and Explosives to divert the flow – only explosives worked!
5. Managing the Volcanoes Physical Properties Cooling Lava: Heimaey, Iceland 1973 The Volcano Eldfell on Iceland began to Threaten the town 100 litres/s Of seawater was used to cool the flows successfully.
5. Managing the Volcanoes Physical Properties Venting Crater Lakes to prevent harmful gas build up e.g. Lake Nyos Cameroon Gas escaping into the volcanically active Lake Nyos built up CO2 in deadly proportions. When a landslide occurred it distrubed the CO2 which gased 1700 people! A pipe now helps stir up the lake and vent the gas safely.
5. Managing the Volcanoes Physical Properties Clearing Lahar Deposits to prevent flooding e.g. Pinatubo
6. Aid and Insurance Aid is mainly given to LDC’s by MDC’s and is a last attempt at trying to reduce the impact on peoples lives.
7. Do Nothing e.g. Amero, Neverdo del Ruiz 1985 eruption Lahar caused by snow melting due to eruption killed 23,000 Doing nothing can be dangerous.