Writing Like a Pro
Formatting MLA formatting Why? Basics of MLA: Business/Industry DECA! Double space 11 or 12pt font—Times New Roman/ Calibri Black Left justified 1 inch margins Page numbers with last name—upper right hand corner Titles—Centered, no bold or underline Section Headings: bold left justified
Formatting Formal Written Reports and projects need a cover page including Name, class, title Will contain section headings Bold, left align
Citing Sources Must site sources in document Authors last name page number if available (pdf documents) Must have attached Works Cited
Sample Citing in Text As a 2005 study by Salary.com and America Online indicates, the Internet ranked as the top choice among employees for ways of wasting time on the job; it beat talking with co-workers—the second most popular method—by a margin of nearly two to one (Frauenheim).
Language We will use professional language! ITS NOT PERSONAL ITS BUSINESS! TRY TO STAY AWAY FROM FIRST PERSON!! I, me, we, us=NO GOOD The team, the company=YES