Finishing up Unknown White Male PSY 368 Human Memory Finishing up Unknown White Male
Focus Questions for: Memory from Unknown White Male (type up your answers, turn in on Wed) Based on what Doug experiences in his memory loss, what do you think memory is? Try to write out a definition. (2) Think about who Doug becomes as he deals with his memory loss. How much of who we are is based on our memories? (3) Researchers believe there are several different types of memory based on the type of information being retrieved and how we retrieve it. Describe some of the different forms of memory discussed in the film. (4) Does memory work like a video camera? Why or why not? (5) In what way do you think our experiences influence our memories? Can ones culture affect what they remember? (6) The different people who try to help Doug test different hypotheses about what caused his memory loss. From these hypotheses, identify different perspectives researchers might have as they study memory.
The Seven Sins of Memory: Next Time: The Seven Sins of Memory: How the Mind Forgets and Remembers Schacter (2001) Transience Absent-mindedness Blocking Misattribution Suggestibility Bias Persistence Check out the links on the lectures web page Even if we don’t suffer major memory loss, our memory still fails us in consistent ways….