Hooks http://learning.blogs.nytimes.com/2014/02/04/200-prompts-for- argumentative-writing/?_r=0
Hook Recap 4 Types of Hooks Quote- This is difficult to find if you are in a testing situation. Remember that you have to cite the source or acknowledge the source. Anecdote- SHORT story. 2-3 sentences at most. Drop the Reader Into the Scene- Use sensory details (sight, smell, touch, taste, hear) Great transition words to use: “Picture…” “Envision….” “Imagine….” Surprising Fact
Some high schools have opened up their A. P Some high schools have opened up their A.P. courses to all students, and those who score a 3 or higher on the A.P. exam earn a $100 reward, as do their teachers. What do you think of financial incentives to perform well in school? Would you study harder if there were a cash bonus attached to a good grade? Decide if money alone would motivate students to study and succeed in school or if it causes more harm than good.
Part 2: Prompt as a Question Prompt: Decide if money alone would motivate students to study and succeed in school or if it causes more harm than good. Would cash persuade students to work harder to achieve higher grades?
Part 3: 2 sentences showing both sides 2 sentences containing background info Some people think that money for grades would inspire greater learning. Others believe that cash for good scores destroys motivation. A variety of high schools have decided to use money as an extra incentive for achievement. The teachers would also benefit by receiving a bonus.
How large are your classes How large are your classes? How do you think the number of students in a class affects how well teachers can teach and students can learn? Class sizes are rising across the nation because of budget cuts. In some cities, high school classes may go up to 60 students. How many kids in a class is too many? Prompt: Decide if class size affects student learning and explain why or why not.
Many schools across the country are remaking their yearbooks to “accurately reflect their school populations” and include photos of every student the same number of times, rather than featuring multiple photos of those who are the most popular or most involved in school. Is this a good idea, or does it go too far? Prompt: Determine if it is fair or not for every student to get equal space in the yearbook even if they haven’t had equal involvement in school activities.
Two recent surveys reveal a widespread belief among teachers that students have shorter attention spans because of their constant use of digital technology. Prompt: Decide if smartphones, texting, video games, Ipads, Facebook, web surfing, and television get in the way of students learning.
Writers have written about the paradox of why girls who were equally competent and confident as boys in science and mathematics still chose not to enter the STEM fields – science, technology, engineering, and math. The statistics are baffling. For example, women earned 37 percent of computer science degrees in 1985, yet only 18 percent in 2010. And only one-fifth of physics Ph. D.’s in this country are awarded to women. Prompt: Explain why more girls aren’t choosing to pursue careers in math and science.