I have the question But what next?
WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF THIS POWERPOINT The questions that follow, will allow you to fully understand your question. The ppt is broken into three sections THE RATIONAL THE CONCEPT THE EVALUATION These sections will help you fill in the word document – DEVELOP A PROJECT PROPOSAL
So you think you know? If you think you have the question, break it down even further and ask yourself these three questions: My creative response will show__________________ The main argument/ conflict is___________________ I want the audience to feel / understand_____________
Who is it for? Who is your target audience? Who are you making this for? How would you make it accessible for this audience? Is the question you are wanting to explore, being answered for this audience?
Synopsis Now you have your question, you need to show in your synopsis how you are going to answer the question and what visuals will you use? What is the question? How are you going to answer the question? Give some background information to facts that will help you answer the question and how are you going to put this across with your creative response.
Medium What medium are you going to use? (PRINT – PHOTOGRAPHY – FILM – AUDIO) Why are you going to use it? How is this medium going to help you? How are you going to use this medium? Are you going to combine mediums?
Characters Characters do not need to be fictional Characters are not only used in film and are also used in still images What makes them special? Create a character profile for each person What is their experience? What is their personality?
Research plan
DO you know? How will you show that you are working to your plan? How will you identify issues with your journey? What will you use to record your reflection on the project?