Washington, DC - 2019
Washington 2019 Slide #1 March 10 to 15, 2019
Criteria Parents MUST have signed the Permission Waiver Washington 2019 Slide #2 Criteria Parents MUST have signed the Permission Waiver Parents MUST have submitted first instalment of $125 to Sponsoring Committee by 18 Dec 2018 Cadets MUST have good attendance Cadets MUST have participated in “fund-raising” Cadets MUST NOT have disciplinary reports on their cadet file. Cadets with highest number of points have priority.
Pre-Trip Preparations Washington 2019 Slide #3 Pre-Trip Preparations Parents MUST submit final installment of $125 to Sponsoring Committee no later than 31 Jan 2019. Cadets will be issued an additional blue dress shirt. (if available) Cadets MUST purchase “cadet hoodie” (see Canteen) Parents MUST ensure any prescription medications are in blister packs.
Travel Considerations Washington 2019 Slide #4 Travel Considerations Cadet MUST have a PASSPORT and provide number no later than 31 Jan 2019 Cadets will be loaned a “garment bag”. Money can be given to Sqn Bank (traveling) Carry-ons....(kit list will be provided) Health insurance provided by DND MUST have Ontario Health Card and photo-copy of Birth Certificate. Trip is 10 hrs; movies, books, games
“Accommodations” Quality Inn; Gettysburg Battlefield ( 1 night ) Washington 2019 Slide #5 “Accommodations” Quality Inn; Gettysburg Battlefield ( 1 night ) Separate room for male / female cadets Must have sleeping bag – 2 cadets / bed Must clean and maintain own spaces Private shared washrooms Clarion Inn, Falls Church, Virginia (4 nights)
Eat breakfast before departure Lunch over the border Supper provided Washington 2019 Slide # 6 Meals? Eat breakfast before departure Lunch over the border Supper provided Continental Breakfast at Hotels; others in DC Cadets bring own snacks Food allergies; we absolutely need to know Meals enroute ($10); cadets pay additional
What WE Will Do? Gettysburg National Military Park Washington 2019 Slide # 7 What WE Will Do? Gettysburg National Military Park Arlington National Cemetery National Museum of Natural History Washington DC Night Tour
National Air & Space Museum The “White House” US Navy Museum Washington 2019 Slide #8 What WE Will Do? National Air & Space Museum The “White House” US Navy Museum
What WE Will Do? Udvar-Hazy Centre Several sites Washington 2019 Slide # 9 What WE Will Do? Udvar-Hazy Centre Several sites
US Marine Corps Barracks 8th and “I” Washington 2019 Slide #10 What WE Will Do? US Marine Corps Barracks 8th and “I”
Cadet Spending Money $ 150 US (estimate) Washington 2019 Slide #11 Important Notes Cadet Spending Money $ 150 US (estimate) can be deposited with Sqn Officer (travelling bank) First deposit of $125 is non-refundable if cadet cancels without valid reason as determined by the Sponsoring Committee. Cadets do not Loan Money to others Cadet Behaviour...they can be sent home at parental expense. Trip of a “lifetime”
Sponsoring Committee CONTACT is: Mrs. Heather Bertram for questions on passports, installments, parental consents, hoodies etc
Washington 2019 Slide #12 END