Lesson 16 – 2nd Declension Neuter preview Before we begin please read pages 113-114 “Grammar” of your textbook. This will give you a preview of what you are about to learn. What other gender can belong to the 2nd declension? What are the only 3 differences between masculine and neuter nouns of the 2nd declension? The nominative neuter is always identical to what other case?
Lesson 16 – 2nd Declension Neuter overview and forms The 2nd declension contains not only masculine nouns, but also neuter ones Remember – not all “things” in Latin are neuter e.g. a road is feminine The neuter looks nearly identical to the masculine. The only differences are nominative singular (-um vs. –us), nominative plural (-a vs. –i) and accusative plural (-a vs. –os) With neuter nouns, the nominative and accsative cases are identical to one another Nominative -um (frumentum) -a (frumenta) Genitive -i (frumenti) -orum (frumentorum) Dative -o (frumento) -is (frumentis) Accusative -um (frumentum) -a (frumenta) Ablative -o (frumento) -is (frumentis)