Rhaglen Graidd Cyswllt Ysgolion Yr hyn yr ydym ni’n ei wneud!


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Presentation transcript:

Rhaglen Graidd Cyswllt Ysgolion Yr hyn yr ydym ni’n ei wneud! Cymru Gyfan Yr hyn yr ydym ni’n ei wneud!

Nodau Gweithio tuag at leihau troseddu ac anrhefn o fewn ein cymunedau ieuenctid, trwy gyfrwng addysg Hyrwyddo egwyddorion dinasyddiaeth gadarnhaol, yn yr ysgol a’r gymuned ehangach These two aims underpin all the work that we do.

Sut ydyn ni’n gwneud hyn? Gwersi Plismona ysgol cefnogol Hyfforddiant Gweithgareddau ychwanegol, cwisiau, a.y.y.b Lesson delivery is the core business of our role. I have **** secondary schools and all their feeders and of course the various units, PRUs and projects. Each School Community Police Officer delivers lessons to 5 -16 year old pupils. Supportive Policing is also a major part of the service we provide schools. We can offer support to deal with incidents under the School Crimebeat protocol - which means that youngsters are not criminalised for minor offences. We can use RA to resolve conflict when incidents occur All SCPOs are trained to work in the classroom. But we can also offer training to school staff and Governors about Cyber safety and CEOP, and other topics such as Drugs and the Law, and Restorative Justice. All our work is supported by a Website schoolbeat.org . There are extensive resources for teachers and others to use, a pupil section with information, films, games and help lines etc. There is also a parents section available but some areas of this are still under development and will be completed this term. A useful site well worth exploring!!

Diogelwch ar y Rhyngrwyd Gwersi Cynradd CA2I – Cadw’n SMART CA2U – Byddwch yn Seiber Ddiogel CA2U – Dychmygwch Hwn Gwasanaeth Pryder-rwyd We aim to keep our lessons relevant and up to date. Each lesson on the list is age appropriate and written to build skills and provide pupils with opportunities to learn about the Law and make positive choices for themselves. Our lessons about Internet Safety begin in KS2 and focus on different law related themes as we move through key stages We also offer an assembly called ‘Interfret’ if schools wish for some support around the topic of cyberbullying .

Cyfnod Allweddol 2 Isaf The Lesson for 7 - 9 year olds is based around an animation involving two characters called Celyn and Rhys. Tarian, the Programme mascot, educates Celyn and Rhys about staying safe online and explains what they should and shouldn't do when using the Internet. The lesson reiterates the SMART message which stands for Safe Meeting Accepting Reliable Tell All of our lessons are clearly linked to the PSE framework. There is a lesson overview available to you for each of our lessons. This will allow you to not only have a clearer understanding of the lessons aims and objectives and approaches used to enhance pupil learning but will allow you to clearly identify how the programme links to the PSE framework and your planning. In addition our lessons make links to the New Literacy and Numeracy Framework and support the work you are doing in the classroom to raise pupils standards of achievement. Again links are clearly indicated on the lesson outline and are available to support your PSE planning. You can see in Lower Key Stage 2 lesson Stay SMART how the lesson fits with the aims of the PSE and Literacy and Numeracy Framework. Posters and other resources can be downloaded from our website for classroom use to remind pupils of the main messages.

Byddwch yn Seiber Ddiogel Cyfnod Allweddol 2 The lesson for 9 – 11 year olds called Be Cyber Safe is about cyberbullying and the effect it has on the victim. This lesson focuses on a young girl called Megan who unwittingly becomes a victim of cyberbullying. The DVD illustrates the vulnerability of children to this form of bullying and the impact it can have on their lives. The lesson highlights the problem and promotes discussion and debate around the issue. It then shows how to obtain help. Byddwch yn Seiber Ddiogel

Cyfnod Allweddol 2 Uchaf Picture this is a lesson for 9 – 11 year olds. It helps pupils to explore how to make positive uses of a mobile phone. Through interactive activities and the use of a DVD; developed by primary age pupils, they consider the consequences of misusing a mobile phone and learn what to do if things go wrong. Dychmygwch Hwn 7

Adran Athrawon The teacher’s section has many resources. There are extensive follow-up and support activities linked to each lesson delivered in schools provided for download. Any one can access these resources. They are completely free. The Internet Safety lessons are part of the Safety Strand. If you click on the word safety on the menu on the left hand side of the page and then secondary ……………………………………………………………………………next slide

Byddwch yn Seiber Ddiogel CA2U CA2U Cadw'n Smart CA2U Dychmygwch Hwn You can see the follow up activities and resources available for use to support the topic at www.schoolbeat.org

Byddwch yn Seiber Ddiogel CA2U Byddwch yn Seiber Ddiogel Teacher follow-up resources include teacher notes that offer instructions on how to deliver a number of activities. All activities are fully resourced with downloadable materials. All activities are linked to National curriculum objectives for the PSE and the Literacy and Numeracy Framework. 10

Gem bwrdd Cerdyn Senario Esiamplau o adnoddau gweithgareddau Teacher follow-up resources include teacher notes that offer instructions on how to deliver a number of activities. All activities are fully resourced with downloadable materials. All activities are linked to National curriculum objectives for the PSE and the Literacy and Numeracy Framework. Here I am highlighting Internet Safety resources but every lesson we have e.g. substance misuse, ASB, Diversity, domestic abuse has follow up work with all the resources provided – all you have to do is download and use it!!! Esiamplau o adnoddau gweithgareddau 11

Adran Disgyblion Pupils can go online and access information, play flash games and watch pod casts all related to the lessons we deliver. All the web content is age appropriate, linked to lesson content and supported by the spoken word. Click on the pupil section then choose the relevant age category which will take you to a town landscape. Run the mouse over the buildings to access information pertinent to the topic as each building represents one of our lessons.

cybermentors.org.uk Useful websites for pupils are Cyber mentors – CyberMentors are trained by the anti-bullying charity Beatbullying to help, assist and support young people online. They help promote safe and responsible internet use and act as mentors to young people online. CyberMentors help to ensure young people are safe online; they can report bullying in a safe and secure environment, and get the support they need, either from another young person or a trained counsellor. The programme encompasses the use of new technologies, discusses acceptable and unacceptable online behaviours, and educates young people so that they understand how they can deal with, or get help dealing with, bullying and other issues affecting their wellbeing. CyberMentors is about young people supporting each other. There is a an app for phones. Another very good website for teachers, pupils and parents is the think u know website. This is packed with information, resources and activities aimed at all ages.