The Kingdoms of Ancient Egypt


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Presentation transcript:

The Kingdoms of Ancient Egypt 2600 BCE – 1075 BCE NEW 1700 BCE – 1075 BCE MIDDLE 2100 BCE – 1700 BCE OLD 2600 BCE – 2100 BCE

Old Kingdom Egypt The Pyramid Age 2600 BC – 2150 BCE Era of relative peace and stability Major construction projects 2600 BCE 1st pyramid building Tombs of Pharaohs 2500 BCE Great Pyramids & Great Sphinx constructed at Giza (Sphinx – guardian of Khafre’s tomb) Hieroglyphics standardized

Achievements Old Kingdom - Hieroglyphics- the Egyptian writing system-one of the world’s first writing systems - papyrus- long-lasting, paper-like material made from reeds - Increase in trade routes– gold, copper, ivory, slaves, wood & stone - Polytheism, the afterlife, pyramids, mummies - Social class system

Religion Polytheistic Pharaoh was divine Egyptians' belief in an afterlife led to mummification Pyramids represent importance of afterlife in Egyptian thought


Middle Kingdom Egypt World Trading Power 2100 BC – 1700 BCE 2000 BCE - Pharaohs from Thebes gain control of the kingdom Egypt becomes an international power by expanding trade routes Foreigners called Hyksos from eastern Mediterranean settle in Egypt during good times 1500 BCE - Hyksos eventually gain control of Lower Egypt Native Egyptians still control Upper Egypt from Thebes

New Kingdom Egypt The Age of Empire 1550 BC – 1075 BCE 1550 BCE Rulers from Thebes reassert control, drive out Hyksos Expand borders of Egypt Ca. 1303-1213 BCE Ramses II (The Great) Strong, warrior Pharaoh Signed treaty w/ Hittites Decline - Began soon after Ramses died - Assyrians attacked and destroyed the great kingdom <150 years later

Achievements New Kingdom - Rosetta Stone- a huge, stone slab inscribed with hieroglyphics, Greek, & a later form of Egyptian - art and jewelry - expansion of the empire - continuation of the social class system