Identifying students’ strengths MODULE 5 PRESENTATION
Why this module? When we know what students can and love to do, we can use this to guide teaching and learning Narrative assessment and student profiles can support this. MODULE 5: Identifying students’ strengths
Identifying students’ strengths All students are active, capable and competent learners We learn about students’ strengths and learning preferences by: talking to the student observing the student asking family/whānau finding out the students’ strengths and skills outside of school. MODULE 5: Identifying students’ strengths
Assessment Gather, analyse, interpret, and plan next learning steps Teachers are responsible for assessment for all students Teachers’ aides are responsible for supporting the teacher Teachers and teachers’ aides work together, gathering and sharing information. MODULE 5: Identifying students’ strengths
Using narrative assessment An effective alternative to show actual progress and plan next steps Narrative assessment uses learning stories. MODULE 5: Identifying students’ strengths
Learning stories Use information from a range of sources Tell what and how the student is learning Show the student’s interactions Are analysed and linked to the New Zealand Curriculum. MODULE 5: Identifying students’ strengths
Using student profiles Capture and celebrate what students can and love to do A profile shows the student’s: aspirations interests challenges. MODULE 5: Identifying students’ strengths
Using student profiles Profiles are a snapshot of the student Family/whānau contribute: information their views on how the information is shared. MODULE 5: Identifying students’ strengths
Next step? Download the workbook for this module at: Our-students/Module-5 To find out more about Teachers and Teachers’ Aides Working Together and to access the other modules go to: MODULE 5: Identifying students’ strengths