Environmental Update 2018 Presentation to Business Partner’s Roundtable August 9, 2018 Bob Hitomi Environmental Specialist
Environmental Update 2018 Hazardous Waste Management Campus Universal Waste Recycling Storm Water Pollution Prevention
Hazardous Materials Management Establish Protocols for Handling Chemicals Proper storage, labeling Identify potential hazards Establish protocols for use of chemicals Establish training (GHS/HazCom) Establish Protocols for Spill Response Identify necessary supplies for spill cleanup Identify necessary personal protective equipment (PPE) Establish procedures and provide training to those who will handle spill response
Hazardous Waste Management Definition Waste from experiments/research Unusable or no longer needed Proper Management of Hazardous Waste Proper labeling Proper secondary containment Container closure Time limit on Satellite Accumulation (1 year maximum) Annual refresher training required Notify EH&S to assist with any or all of the above
Campus Universal Waste Recycling Items that cannot be put in regular trash Batteries Lights Mercury containing devices Non-empty aerosol cans
Water Pollution in Lower American River Working with Stakeholder Group City of Sacramento County of Sacramento Central Valley Water Board High Levels of Trash, E Coli in American River water sampling Determine Methods for Reducing Levels to Minimize Risk to Public Waterways
Storm Water Trash Control Identify Main Areas of Trash Generation Outdoor Food Venues Transit Stations (Bus Stop) Athletics (Sports) Facilities Survey Will Be Done This Fall to Determine Trash Generation Rates Determine Methods for Reducing Trash Establishing “Full Capture” Systems to Eliminate Trash from Reaching Waterways
Storm Water Pollution Prevention Education and Outreach Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Construction Storm Water Control Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping Post-Construction Storm Water Management Program Effectiveness Assessment
Illicit Discharge Report any Illicit Discharges Oil/Gas Leaks from Vehicles Sewage Backups Broken sprinklers Facilities 8-6242 EHS 8-2020 http://www.csus.edu/aba/EHS/report-stormwater-pollution.html
Contact Information Bob Hitomi Environmental Specialist, CHMM Office of Environmental Health and Safety, Risk Management Services 916-278-5165 hitomib@csus.edu