CSE 5194: Orientation Seminar Fall 2008 Bahram Khalili Class website: http://ranger.uta.edu/~khalili Fall 2008
CSE Grad Website Where? http://www.cse.uta.edu/graduate What? Contacts and Advising Hours MS Guide All Electronic forms Announcements Course Descriptions Fall 2008
Other Resources Grad School Website: http://grad.uta.edu Graduate Catalog Graduate Calendar Funding Opportunities Thesis/Dissertation Guidelines Virtual Graduate Advisor: http://grad.uta.edu/currentStudents/VirtualGraduateSchoolAdvisor.asp Grad School Forms E-mail: we will use your cse account (exclusively) for announcements which are also posted on the Announcements tab of the CSE grad webpage Fall 2008
Personnel Graduate Secretary (Camille Costabile) Graduate Advisors Her office is the one-stop clearinghouse for all things MS Graduate Advisors Bahram Khalili General Advising – MS & PhD In charge of S/W Eng. curriculum Mike O’Dell General Advising - MS In charge of MSCS and MSCSE curriculum Darin Brezeale Fall 2008
CSE Degree Options MS CSE Must have Undergraduate degree in Engineering MS CS Exact same degree program as MS CSE MS SFWE Curriculum pre-dominantly Software Engineering *MS CS and CSE have Thesis or Non-Thesis (Structured) options Fall 2008
Definitions Core Courses – These are mandatory courses that all students MUST take Major (Specialty) Track Courses – Three courses in a subject area including at least one at 6000 level. Areas: AI, Database, Systems and Architecture, Networks, S/W Engineering, Graphics and Multimedia, Theory and Algorithms, Bioinformatics. Breadth Courses – Courses outside of your major/specialty track(s)* *Courses in chosen Major/Specialty Track cannot be used for breadth Fall 2008
Non-Thesis (Structured) Degree Plan Orientation Seminar (5194) 2 core courses: 5311, One of {5306, 5317} 3 breadth courses Only two may be in the same specialty area 3 courses in major area 1 (one 6000-level) 3 courses in major area 2 (one 6000-level) 1 Elective (can be in area of Major/ Specialty or outside the Department, with prior approval by advisor) Fall 2008
Thesis Orientation Seminar (5194) 2 core courses : 5311, One of {5306, 5317} 3 courses in Major area (one 6000-level) 2 Breadth courses The two have to be in two different areas 1 Elective (can be in area of Major or outside the Department, with prior approval by advisor) Thesis I (5398) (Repeat if necessary) Thesis II (5698) Must be taken in graduating semester. NOTE: Thesis II requires preparatory research work (CSE 5398, Thesis I) in a prior semester. This requirement may only be waived with the permission of your thesis supervisor. Fall 2008
MS Software Engineering Orientation Seminar (5194) 5 Core courses: CSE 5311, 5324, 5325, (5328 and 5329) 2 Courses from: CSE 5326, 5392, 6324, 6392 5 Electives, including three from CSE Fall 2008
MS CS MS CSE Distance Learning program in Database and Information Technology Must be UG CS/CSE 36 hours Courses (Fixed): CSE 5311 - Advanced Algorithms CSE 5306 - Operating Systems II CSE 5317 - Design and Construction of Compilers CSE 5344 - Computer Networks I CSE 5350 - Computer Architecture II CSE 5321 - Software Testing CSE 5324 - Software Engineering I CSE 5325 - Software Engineering II CSE 5330 - Database Systems CSE 5331 - DBMS Models and Implementation Techniques CSE 6331 - Advanced Topics in Database System CSE 6332 - Techniques for Multimedia Databases Fall 2008
Important Notes You can use one, and only one, course outside the department (i.e., a non-CSE course) in your Degree Plan. NO waivers for Core will be granted even if you have taken Compilers/Advanced OS in your Undergrad. DO NOT ASK Directed Study (5393) is not allowed under the non-thesis (structured) option. Fall 2008
Planning Courses Make sure your Program of Work is complete… it is your responsibility Register early. Plan “Major” sequences for a three semester stretch. Thesis students - Do not wait to complete all courses before registering for Thesis. Several 5392/6392 classes can be taken. Fall 2008
Managing YOUR Degree Plan CSE Graduate Students can register in (almost) any course we offer… so BEWARE Only special CSE courses require clearance (Directed Study, Thesis I, any web course) YOUR plan is YOUR responsibility Use MyMav Degree Audit capability Ask questions of the graduate advisors if in doubt about progress or applicability of a specific course Fall 2008
Managing YOUR Degree Plan with MyMav MyMav degree audit feature Your degree plan is associated with your id# CS MS Non-Thesis, CS MS Thesis, CSE MS Non-Thesis, CSE MS Thesis, MS Software Engineering Graduate advisor can change between Thesis and Non-Thesis MyMav uses best-fit algorithm to apply your courses taken to your specified degree plan Courses that do not fit will be shown as “not-applied” Certain courses will require advisor action to apply in correct spot Fall 2008
Important Dates (e.g., Fall 2008) Current Student enrollment: June 4th Open enrollment for all current/returning students Regular Enrollment ends: August 24th Late fees apply after this date Students may add/drop courses Late Registration ends: August 31st Students may not add/drop after this date Critical changes may be made by advisor Census Date: September 12th NO changes after this date File for graduation: Sept. 28th Refer to checklist for graduating semester: http://www.uta.edu/history/gradgradchecklists.htm Fall 2008
CSE 5194 Course Requirements Thesis Critique Email the author and title of the thesis to khalili@uta.edu by Oct. 6th. These are available in UTA Central Library and may be searched at http://pulse.uta.edu. Your two-page critique is due Dec. 1st at CSE office. Fall 2008
Thesis Critique Content Identification (author, supervising faculty, title, etc.) Classification (What focused area of computer science is addressed?) Effort (How much effort/creativity appears to have been expended?) Contribution (What are the most notable results?) Bibliography (What are the author’s key references?) Opinions (What do you think about the research?) Fall 2008
… Requirements Two Defenses Attendance: Defenses announced through cse website under seminars tab: URL: http://www.cse.uta.edu/news/seminars/ Complete and submit a Defense Attendance/ Comment form for each defense attended. Blank forms are available at the class website. (One is in your handouts) Get a faculty committee member’s signature, answer the questions, and turn it in to the CSE Office by Dec. 1st. Please do not disturb defenses that you attend. Arrive on time. Fall 2008
Academic Dishonesty Do’s and Don’ts – Do the right thing. If you think it is wrong it probably is – so Don’t do it! Ask your instructor what are acceptable and unacceptable practices for the course. Plagiarism is dealt with more seriously than you may think it should be. See Student Judicial Affairs Website: http://www.uta.edu/studentaffairs/judicialaffairs/ Red Pill vs. Blue Pill Form 1 - Admission of Guilt Form 2 - Deny Allegation Fall 2008
Thesis Is it for you? Sequence and Planning Work Expectations Assistantship Obligations - GTAs and GRAs Switching to and from structured Grades Fall 2008
Curricular Practical Training (CPT) - (Internship) Purpose: enhance your education through work experience F-1 Rules: see http://www.uta.edu/oie/services/cpt.php Current good academic standing Two semesters of graduate coursework complete Currently enrolled in an appropriate UTA course (hours cannot be used for credit – CSE 5191) Part-time CPT students (20 hours or less) must be enrolled as full-time student (9 credit-hours) CSE Rules CSE 5194 completed BEFORE internship 6 graduate-level courses completed (18 credit-hours) Fall 2008
Curricular Practical Training (CPT) - (Internship) Procedures: Ensure that you meet all requirements: Completion of 50% of graduate course work GPA of 3.0 or better in graduate course work Completion of CSE 5194 No probation of any sort Obtain an offer letter from your employer Must be on company letterhead signed by company official Must state that it is an internship offer Must specify dates of employment WITHIN the semester for which the offer is given Must specify whether offer is for part-time (<= 20 hours/week) or full-time (> 20 hours/week) work Enroll in CSE 5191 See Camille to complete CPT letter Fall 2008