Club and Date Rape Drugs Ecstasy GHB Rohypnol Ketamine
Ecstasy Chemical name: 3-4 methylenedioxymethamphetamine Street names: Ecstasy, MDMA, Adam, Clarity, Euphoria, Lover’s speed Form: Most often found in tablet, capsule, or powder form usually taken orally although it can be snorted or injected. History: Ecstasy was first synthesized in 1914 by the German Drug company Merck. It was first thought the drug could be used as an appetite suppressant. In the 1970's, it was given to psychotherapy patients as an anti-deppressant. It is classified as a Schedule I drug and has been illegal since 1985.
Side Effects: or Physical reactions MDMA takes effect 20-40 minutes after taking a tablet, with little rushes of exhilaration and possibly nausea. 60-90 minutes after taking the drug the user feels the peak effects. An ecstasy high can last from 6-24 hours with the average “trip” lasting 3-5 hours. At moderate doses, ecstasy is reported to cause feelings of empathy, emotional warmth, euphoria , and a sense of energy that one can dance all night long Heavier doses can cause hallucinations, sensations of lightness and floating, depression, paranoid thinking, and violent , irrational behavior. Side Effects: or Physical reactions loss of appetite nausea vomiting blurred vision increased heart rate increased BP muscle tension grinding teeth chills sweating tremors insomnia convulsions headache eye twitching jaw clenching There may be a loss of control over voluntary body movements. Some reactions have been reported to persist from 1-14 days after taking ecstasy.
Effects on the brain: 1. MDMA can cause the release of the neurotransmitter serotonin. 2. MDMA can block the reuptake of serotonin by the synaptic terminal that releases it. 3. MDMA can deplete the amount of serotonin in the brain. 4. MDMA can cause an indirect decrease in the amount of neurotransmitter called dopamine. MDMA is neurotoxic. In other words it is toxic to the brain. The damage to the serotonin nerve endings occurs in the frontal lobe and hippocampus. These areas are responsible for thinking and memory. Some regrowth may occur in the first two weeks after the drug use, however damage is still observable 6-7 years later. In addition, in high doses ecstasy can cause a sharp increase in body temperature leading to muscle breakdown and kidney and cardiovascular system failure.
Long term effects: permanent chemical changes in the brain lasting brain damage liver damage kidney failure anxiety or panic attacks memory loss mood swings disturbed sleep patterns irritability damage to the portions of the brain that regulate critical functions such as learning sleep and emotion. paranoia flashbacks psychosis poor coordination jaw clenching & teeth grinding blurred vision vomiting increased blood pressure and heart rate degenerated nerve branches and endings hemorrhaging cardiovascular collapse
Result of mega-dosing.
GHB Chemical name: gamma hydroxybutyrate Street names: G, Liquid Ecstasy, Grievous Bodily Harm, easy lay Form: odorless liquid, slightly salty to the taste and sold in small bottles. Also white capsule, tablet, and powder form. History: GHB was first developed as a general anesthetic, but it didn’t work well preventing pain so it was declined. GHB was available over-the-counter in health food stores during the 1980's until 1992. It was purchased largely by body builders to aid fat reduction and muscle building. In February 2000 federal legislation made possession of GHB illegal. It is a Schedule I drug.
Withdrawal: Effects: Anxiety Tremors Sweating Effects are usually felt between 10 minutes to 1 hour. Primary effects last about 2-4 hours but residual effects can last up to 24 hours. Effects may not peak for up to 2 hours. Many overdoses have occurred from people not waiting long enough before taking more. At lower doses GHB has a euphoric effect similar to alcohol, and can make the user feel relaxed, happy and sociable. Higher doses can make the user feel dizzy, and sleepy, and can sometimes cause vomiting, muscle spasms, and loss of consciousness. Overdoses will always cause a loss of consciousness (possible coma) and will slow down breathing to a dangerously slow rate. Combining GHB with other drugs increases the risk of seizures, nausea, and difficulty breathing. Withdrawal: Insomnia Anxiety Tremors Sweating
Rohypnol Effects: Chemical name: Flunitrazepam Brand names Street names: Roofies, rope, rophies, forget-me pill, Mexican valium Form: small round white or greenish pills (tablets). The pill itself has a cross scored on one side and the word “ROCHE” and the #1or 2 circled on the other side. History: Rohypnol is manufactured in Europe and Latin America. It is legally prescribed as a sleeping pill in 67 countries; however it is illegal in the U.S. and Canada. Effects: It dissolves quickly and takes effect in 20-30 minutes. Its effects can last 8-12 hours A central nervous system depressant that is 10X stronger than Valuim. quick intoxication slows down motor skills , muscle relaxation undisturbable sleep, amnesia/memory impairment headaches , tremors
The package itself reads “some patients may have no recollection of being awake during the 6-8 hours the drug is in effect”. That means you can appear to be awake and functioning, but have no memory of it afterwards. Rohypnol is synergistic with over drugs. Overdoses can be fatal if Rohypnol is combined with other depressants. Continued, repeated use of Rohypnol may result in addiction, it can cause aggressive behavior in some people. The company that manufactures Rohypnol has taken steps to make it more easily detectable. The pill is now greenish-blue and will tint a drink blue. It has also been film coated making it slower to dissolve. Withdrawal - May occur 1-2 weeks after quitting the drug Headaches, sore muscles hallucinations convulsions,seizures
Ketamine Chemical name: Ketamine hydrochloride Street names: Special K, Vitamin K, Super K, Green Form: clear white powder, or liquid in a small pharmaceutical bottle K can be taken orally, snorted, or injected into the muscle, never the vein. Ketamine is more powerful than Rohypnol. History: Ketamine was originally created for use as a human anesthetic. It is now used as an anesthetic for animals and is legally prescribed for animals by veterinarians. It is classified as a Schedule III drug. Effects: When snorting lines or “bumps” the effect comes on within 5-10 minutes. If liquid is injected into the muscle less is need and the effects can be felt in about 4 minutes. If swallowed the effects come on in 10-20 minutes. At lower doses, it has a mild dreamy feeling similar to nitrous oxide. Users report feeling floaty and slightly outside their body. Numbness in the extremities is also common. Higher doses produce a hallucinogenic (trippy) effect, and may cause the user to feel very far away from their body. This experience is referred to as entering a “K-hole” and has been compared to a near death experience with sensations of rising above one’s body. Overdose can result in coma, which may lead to death. It depresses consciousness and breathing. It is synergistic and extremely dangerous if combined with other depressants like alcohol, valium or GHB.
Effects on the body: loss of motor control - difficulty walking, talking or standing temporary memory loss nausea numbness and drowsiness blocks normal thinking, memory recall, and most sensory input extreme hallucinations physical incapacitation.