Zero Road Deaths and Serious Injuries: Leading a Paradigm Shift to a Safe System. Safe System Interventions Rob McInerney CEO International Road Assessment Programme
Primary Crash Types Motor Vehicles Vulnerable Road Users 30% + 23% + 20% + 5% + The vast majority of Deaths and Serious injuries occur from 6 main crash types. In the higher income countries, motor vehicle crashes tend to dominate, although in some of these, vulnerable road user casualties are making up an increasing proportion of crash injuries. In lower income, less motorised counties, vulnerable road user injuries are dominant. 20% + 22% +
A Safe System for Vulnerable Road Users
A Safe System for Vehicle Occupants
The Star Rating of Roads
The Economics of the Safe System
Business case for infrastructure interventions
The Economics of the Safe System Safe Speeds Safe Vehicles Safe Road Users Post Crash Response
Safe System Optimisation 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 star road users 3, 4 or 5 star roads Post-crash response 3, 4 or 5 star vehicles Speeds to deliver safe system
SERIOUS INJURY OUTCOMES Reduction in incidence Safe System Financing for the Future SERIOUS INJURY OUTCOMES Reduction in incidence Savings Severe Brain Injury 70 $ 13,003,462 Head Injury 37 $ 6,872,000 Quadriplegia 33 $ 6,092,458 Paraplegia 14 $ 2,578,686 Safe System Corridor Project Footpaths for Africa Development Impact Bond PPP to deliver 5-star roads and Smart Motorways
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