TEXT READING SKILLS Objectives: Learn 2 approaches to reading and studying textbooks Improve reading comprehension If you have trouble reading and understanding your textbook, you may think a speed-reading course will help. However, it is not likely that you need to increase your speed. It is more likely that you need to develop a strategy to get the most out of your reading. Our discussion today will help you: Learn 2 approaches to reading and studying your text and help you improve your understanding of what you read.
THE SQ3R STUDY SYSTEM 5 STEPS: SURVEY QUESTION READ RECITE REVIEW One method for improving your text reading skills is the SQ3R system, which stands for:
THE SQ3R STUDY SYSTEM STEP 1 – SURVEY Preview the article or chapter: Study the title – a short summary Read the first & last paragraphs Look over headings and subheadings Explore the text by noting italicized, bold printed sections; briefly review pictures, diagrams, and graphs
THE SQ3R STUDY SYSTE STEP 2 – QUESTION Convert the first heading in the selection into a question or a series of questions For example: If the heading is: “The Uses of Plants in Cities” You could make that into: “What are the uses of plants in cities?”
THE SQ3R STUDY SYSTEM STEP 3 – READ As you read, make up more questions: What is the main idea in this paragraph? What are supporting examples? Then read to find the answers to your questions. By asking questions and then reading to find the answers, your mind is less likely to wander…
THE SQ3R STUDY SYSTE STEP 4 – RECITE After completing a section of reading, look away and see if you can recite the answers to your questions. This will help you see exactly what you know and what you don’t know
THE SQ3R STUDY SYSTEM STEP 5 – REVIEW After you complete all the sections, review the entire selection. See if you can recite the answers to your questions
THE PRWR STUDY SYSTEM 4 STEPS: PREVIEW READ WRITE RECITE Another method for reading textbooks effectively is the PRWR system. It is similar to the SQ3R, but it has only 4 steps instead of 5
THE PRWR STUDY SYSTEM Step 1 - PREVIEW Make a 5-minute preview of the material to get a sense of the main topics and ideas in material The title is usually the shortest summary of the selection. Read the first and last paragraphs, as they often state the main idea. Look for relationships between various headings and subheadings. Jump into the text and look for lists, emphasized words, pictures, graphs.
THE PRWR STUDY SYSTEM Step 2 – READ AND MARK THE SELECTION Read the material completely without stopping. As you read, underline, check, star or highlight significant points.
READING TO COMPREHEND Pay attention to: Definitions and examples Enumerations or lists Heading and subheadings Signal words – emphasis, addition, change of direction, illustration Main ideas in paragraphs and short selections Set off definitions by writing DEF in the margin. Set off examples by writing EX in the margin. Use numbers to mark items in a list. Watch for signal words: Emphasis: highlight important ideas that may be printed in bold type, italics, or underlined (above all, most of all, important to note, a key feature, remember that) Addition: show that the writer’s thoughts will continue in the same direction (also, another, for one thing, moreover, another, second, in addition) Change-of-direction: show that the writer will probably reverse or modify a previous statement (but, even though, in contrast, otherwise, still, yet, however, on the other hand) Illustration: highlight examples that will make an idea clear (for example, once, such as, to illustrate, for instance, specifically) Underline or star the most important points.
THE PRWR STUDY SYSTEM Step 3 – WRITE STUDY NOTES Write notes in the margin of the text. OR Prepare separate sheets of study notes. Write down key words. Make up recall words to memorize the items and then convert the items into questions for review. Make sure you can read your own handwriting. Try to put the information in your own words as much as possible. Try to follow the author’s order of headings and summarize the material whenever possible.
THE PRWR STUDY SYSTEM Step 4 – RECITE STUDY NOTES Convert your notes into study questions. Ex: What are the uses of plants in cities? Recite your answer until you no longer have to look at your notes. Repeated self-testing and exposure to the material is the key to memorizing effectively. For more detail: use example (p. 86 of text) Uses of Plants in City Give off Oxygen (and pleasant smell) Absorb air Pollutants (gases used as nutrients) Cool the air (evaporation from leaves) Catch Dust particles Muffle noises (traffic, construction) Hold Earth in place KEY WORD: MEDCOP KEY PHRASE: Our parents cook dinner most evenings.
TEXT READING SKILLS Practice Enumerations Signal Words Main Ideas Answers to Prepared Questions Work through Handouts: Recognizing Enumerations Locating Answers to Basic Questions Signal Words Identifying Main Ideas