Design Tips for Effective Presentations Your first and last name Current date
Keep it Simple The design of a slide show should be neat and clean Every element on each slide should have a purpose Slide show should grab the attention of the audience but not overdo it Don’t use too many slides Plan on about 1 slide per minute of the presentation
“Less is More” Use the fewest words possible to convey the point 6x6 or 7x7 Rule Slides should have no more than 6 or 7 lines of text with no more than 6 or 7 words per line This rule does not include the title
Theme/Design Template Keep a consistent theme throughout the presentation No more than two fonts should be used Text on the slide should be no smaller than 24 pts and titles should be 36 pts or bigger Make sure text can be read from the back of the room where the presentation will be given
Text Guidelines Do not underline text DO NOT USE ALL CAPS Use bold and italics sparingly Use minimal punctuation Avoid using multiple spaces after punctuation
Transitions and Animations Keep the same transition throughout the presentation for consistency Use animation sparingly Avoid sound included with transition
Color Color elicits emotion – be careful with color choices Use color sparingly Use attractive color schemes/complementary colors Limit amount of red used Remember some members of your audience may be colorblind and have difficulty distinguishing shades of red and green
Multimedia Use no more than 2 pieces per slide Must be related or used to enhance slide show
Miscellaneous Spell check and proofread carefully Adhere to copyright regulations