Formula SAE: Aerodynamics Our Team Gabrielle Godette Joseph Whiteman Matthew Calvert John Anderson Chelsea Newnam Forrest Copeland Donald Engler Aaron Baker Carmen MonteCalvo Mason Rusch Cushmeer Sargent
Aerodynamics Sub-Groups Research, Design, Analyze Rear Wing Front Wing & Nose Cone Sidepods Diffuser Research, Design, Analyze Matt
FSAE Rules Front Mounted Devices: In plain view, any part of any aerodynamic device must not be Further forward than 700 mm (27.6 inches) forward of the fronts of the front tires Wider than the outside of the front tires measured at the height of the hubs. When viewed from the front of the vehicle, the part of the front tires that are more than 250mm (9.8 inches) above ground level must be unobstructed. Joseph
Front Nose Cone and Front wing Nose cone before with indentation Nose Cone after without indentation Front Wing Front Wing-Nose Cone Assembly Forrest
FSAE Rules Location Rear Mounted Devices: In plain view, any part of any aerodynamic device must not be: Further rearward than 250 mm (9.8 inches) rearward of the rear of the rear tires Wider than the inside of the rear tires, measured at the height of the hub centerline. In side elevation, no part of the rear wing or aerodynamic device (including end-plates) must be higher than 1.2 meters above the ground when measured without a driver in the vehicle mason
Rear Wing Modeled off of Extruded Aluminum Eppler 420 Airfoil Dj top left first wing, top right current airfoil wing, bottom left first wing assembly, bottom center smaller and better shape assembly, bottom right current airfoil assembly
Rear Wing CFD and repeat matt
Diffuser Iteration 1: After Formula Critique Recreated design to fit the curves of the frame better and added splitter. Added ramps on the step plane to try and send air over the rear tires. Iteration 2: After Landman Critique Removed splitter and fins to reduce weight. Created the tail end of the diffuser to a spoon-like shape in order to increase the downforce as well as avoid contact with the engine. Gabrielle
Iteration 3: Created flat step-planes to avoid contact with sidepods. Created more gradual angles for tail end of diffuser in order to have an easier design to fabricate.
FSAE Rules All forward facing edges of aerodynamic devices which are not on the front of the car, must have a minimum radius of 5 mm. When loaded with a force of 45 lbs in any location and direction, no aerodynamic element my deflect by more than 25 mm, with no more than 5 mm of permanent deflection. Driver must be separated from all sources of heat by at minimum a 25 mm air gap, no direct contact with heated surface, and a 0.4 mm metal firewall. No line of sight may be permitted between the point 4" from the bottom of the tallest drivers helmet and any portion of the fuel or cooling systems. Aaron
Side Pods Completely redesigned to reduce cost versus the plan from last semester. Gurney flap, ducting, and vents removed, and the shape was vastly simplified. Original insert design Revised design Jake
Results All designs are currently in their final stages and ready for 3D printing. Although more testing and design modification is scheduled, ultimately our team has already created a fully functional aerodynamic package for the SAE Formula vehicle competing in the Spring 2018 semester. The design allows for ODU to be a much more serious competitor at the Michigan competition as well as a foundation for evolutionary designs by future SAE club members. Carmen
Future Plans Final redesign of any necessary elements Make new submission to club team members for complete cohesiveness Print & Assemble 3-D models Wind Tunnel testing at quarter scale (¼) Cushmeer