Debra McMannis, Director Early Education and Support Division State Updates Debra McMannis, Director Early Education and Support Division
FY 2016-17 California State Preschool Program Request for Applications Round Two: CSPP Expansion RFA RFA Closed: Tuesday, February 21, 2017 Score Notification to Applicants: Wednesday, March 15, 2017 Appeals Due: Friday, March 31, 2017 Proposed Awards Announced: Tuesday, April 11, 2017 Program Start Date: July 1, 2017
Management Bulletins MB 17-03 Subject: Clarify that a Digital Signature May be Used to Satisfy the Requirements of an Electronic Signature The MB 17-03 informs all child care contractors who contract with the CDE under the Child Care and Development Services Act (the Act) and all child care providers under the Act that a “digital signature,” as defined, is considered a type of “electronic signature” under the UETA. MB 17-04 Subject: The Use of a Digital Signature for All Child Care Contractors The MB 17-04 informs all child care contractors who contract with the CDE under the Act that they are authorized to use digital signatures.
Early Education in the Governor’s 2017–18 Proposed Budget Pauses any additional rate increases No additional slots for 17/18 Intent to foster efficiencies and better align early education programs: (AB104) Use of electronic applications for child care subsidies (AB104) Allow children with exceptional needs to fill available slots in part-day CSPP, even if families don’t meet income eligibility requirements (AB104) Align definition of homelessness with McKinney-Vento Allow LEAs to better align CSPP and Transitional Kindergarten (TK) programs in areas such as facility licensing, adult-to-student ratios, teacher education requirements and program minutes SSPI supports overall investment in education in the Governor’s Budget, however as state revenue improves and the budget process continues, we support prioritizing additional investments for Early Education
2017–18 Quality Improvement Budget 2 Stakeholder Input Sessions held Fall 2016 Per 2016 – 17 Budget Trailer Bill re: Quality Expenditure Plan: Post new spending plan on or before 3/1/2017 that: supports QRIS Maintains funding for R&Rs, LPCs, and licensing enforcement Complies with federal CCDBG Act
QRIS Budget SB 826 Budget Act 2016, page 485 6110-194-0001 Provisions: Funds in Schedules (4), (9), (10), and (11) shall be allocated to meet federal requirements to improve the quality of child care and shall be used in accordance with the approved California state plan for the federal Child Care and Development Fund that is developed pursuant to the requirements under Section 8206.1 of the Education Code. Funds in Schedule (12) of Item 6100-194-0001 of Section 2.00 of the Budget Act of 2015 shall be included when calculating the state’s child care quality allocation as required by the federal Child Care and Development Block Grant. These funds shall apply equally towards the quality allocations in 2016–17 and 2017–18. The legislature appropriated roughly $25m in 15-16 for Infant/Toddler QRIS on a one time basis. The administration is using part of that money to count towards the increase in the minimum quality expenditure going from 4% to 7%. They decided to go in this direction instead of increasing the budget and allowing new/expanded/ongoing projects.
Child Care Facilities Revolving Fund (CCFRF) $210,000 to $420,000 for a new, basic building typically consisting of three 12 by 40 foot sections Provides up to $140,000 for each additional 12 by 40 foot section beyond the typical building (an increased from the previous $70,000 allowance) The CCFRF may be used for the purchase, transportation, and installation of relocatable buildings Applications and Information CRRL: RFA Posted soon
Legislation AB 540 Authors: Mullen SSPI Sponsored In October 2016 non-regulatory guidance, “Early Learning in the Every Student Succeeds Act: Expanding Opportunities to Support our Youngest Learners” was released by the United States Department of Education. This guidance reminds state and local decision-makers about the importance of investing in early learning, it highlights the opportunities available under the law to strengthen early education, and provides examples of how states and local communities may support young children’s success in school. Although only a few programs under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) require that funds be used to support early learning, others allow early learning as one of many uses of the funds.
Legislation Cont. AB 60 Authors: Santiago/Gonzalez Mirrors language from last year’s AB 2150 SSPI support Increases the initial income eligibility limit, as well as increasing the exit/recertification income eligibility limit Establishes and would require 12 months of continuous child developmental services for low income families
Title 5 Regulations Update Chapters 19 and 19.5 of Title 5 Following the Office of Administrative Law (OAL) Rule Making Process Includes public comment period 5 CCR e-mail address:
Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) The CDE and the State Board of Education are eager to hear from Californians about what they would like to see in the State Plan. This is an opportunity to make your voice heard in support of the state’s most vulnerable students. February 6 Orange COE February 7 Moreno Valley Conference Center February 8 Webinar February 9 Sacramento COE February 10 Fresno COE February 11 Webinar
Other One-time Projects Adding to the ECE Competencies Coaching and Adult Learning (Advisory 1/22) Developing LPC Coordinators On-line Modules Updating: I/T Program Guidelines Inclusion Works! with a DVD Alignment of Foundations w HS & CDE Creating: Best Practices doc re: serving homeless children Curriculum Review Protocol
CA-QRIS Certification Grants $2 M in new grants to the 10 CA-QRIS Regional Hubs Purpose: Financial support for observer, rater, assessor, trainer certification on CA-QRIS tools and professional development systems: ERS, CLASS, ASQ & ASQ-SE, PAS and BAS CPIN, CSEFEL, Desired Results, PITC, Strengthening Families, and Practice-based Coaching Grant period: 7/1/16 to 9/30/17
CMIG QRIS Block Grants Amended CSPP QRIS BG for QRIS counties with CMIG sites 20 consortia in 21 counties San Diego declined Amount: $800,000 Same parameters as the CSPP QRIS BG: Local QRIS BGs to those rated 4 & 5 Quality Improvement to get to tier 4 Assess CMIG sites Period: 7/1/16 to 9/30/17
EESD Resource Update Best Practices: Integrated Nature of Learning is posted at: CECO is functional in Spanish DRDP: PS Fundamental & Comprehensive views Reliability certification: shortly DRDPtech work for 2016-17: Detailed Child Reports Scale scores export
Transforming the Workforce Birth to Age 8 (TWB8) Last year the Institute of Medicine (IOM) and National Research Council (NRC) published Transforming the Workforce for Children Birth Through Age 8: A Unifying Foundation. Report served as a catalyst for launching a collaborative planning process to create a plan to ensure that professionals working with young children in California are well prepared to most effectively support every child’s growth and development