Loose Connective Tissue (LCT)
Areolar Tissue Pink = collagen Purple = elastin
Orecin Stain for Elastin – purple “ribbon candy”
Sliver Stain for Reticular Fibers
Collagen synthesis and organization
PAS stain of epithelial basement membranes (BM)
Cells of the LCT Fibroblasts
LM of fibroblasts (arrows)
Adipose and Adipocytes
Adipocytes (fat cells)
Adipose Tissue – fat cells + CT septa (arrows)
Adipose Tissue fixed and stained w/ Osmium Tetroxide
Defense cells of the LCT Neutrophils, Plasma cells, Mast cells, and Macrophage
LCT – a = pericytes; b = mast cell; c = plasma cells; d = capillary
LCT – M = mast cell; P = plasma cells; F = fibroblasts; Eo = eosinophils, N = neutrophils
TEM of a Plasma Cell
TEM of a Mast Cell
TEM of a Macrophage