Foreign Policy Vocabulary
Monroe Doctrine: First major foreign policy, by President Monroe, 1820, we pledged to defend the Americas
Isolationism: As a country minding our own business Neutrality: Seeing both sides, taking neither
United Nations: Replaced inadequate League of Nations as International Peacekeeping organization. Headquarters in New York City, Heavily influenced by US Security Council: Responsible for safety and security of a country. UN and US both protect us.
Truman Doctrine: Policy of Containment of communism during Cold War. Marshall Plan: Policy of aid to developing countries to prevent communism during Cold War
World Bank: International aid organization for 3rd and 4th world countries IMF: International Monetary Fund, oversees and regulates global finances Central Intelligence Agency: top espionage organization in US Foreign Service: Group of diplomats who work for Department of State
War Powers Act: 1973-limits power of declaring war of President to 90 days without Congressional approval
Free-Trade Principles: Unregulated, Untaxed, Unrestricted trade between countries Protectionism: Restricting trade through regulation and taxation Espionage: Spying
Global Economy: International trade; countries often take on role of supplying resources, products, or services for comparative advantage NATO: North Atlantic Treaty Organization; outdated military alliance set up during Cold War for capitalist/democratic allies
NAFTA: North American Free Trade Agreement: Free Trade between Canada (resources), Mexico (products) and the US (services) WTO: World Trade Organization: Negotiates trade issues between countries in Global Economy
1st world: capitalist, has industry and technology, has nuclear capability 2nd world: former Soviet bloc country, has industry and technology, may have nuclear capability 3rd world: developing nation…but has central government, may now have nuclear capability 4th world: run by tribes, very poor, no nuclear capability