A big hello from Union of Kingston Students. -
Welcome Big Student Meeting 2 Debate and vote on motions not discussed at Big Student Meeting in January Debate and vote on new motions submitted Updates from Student Officers Union events this term www.kingstonstudents.net
Respectful Debate This meeting, we aim to make it accessible to everyone and free from discrimination and prejudice. We ask that everyone here shows respect to others. This includes listening to others’ point of view and using appropriate and respectful language at all times. We want everyone to feel able to participate so sexist, racist, transphobic, hom ophobic or disablist comments are not allowed (even if you don’t mean to offend)
Respectful Debate Healthy debate plays an important part, but it is possible for debate to get out of hand. No matter how passionately you feel there is never an excuse for an argument to get personal, abusive or aggressive. If you have any issues, please do speak to a member of Union staff who will try and help you out.
Staff Procedure It is important to the Union that you are able to critically appraise our work in a safe, respectful manner. However, because staff can’t participate in the democracy of the Union you should not hold them directly to account. Staff have no right to reply at democratic meetings so instead, you should hold your student officers you have elected to account You should not criticise, verbally or physically harass Union staff, and you should never name individuals or groups of staff in public
Staff Procedure If you have criticism or praise of Union work it should be addressed to the relevant student officer A criticism of staff falling under these definitions and not raised through proper procedures will be considered harassment, and could result in staff withdrawing from the meeting In the event you have a complaint to make about a member of staff, please approach a student officer who will tell you what to do next
Apologises for absence To note Item EGM 1617/02 Apologises for absence To note We’ve received the following apologies for absence RadSoc Chemistry Soc Kingston Bible Reading Club Horse Riding Soc SEC Postgraduate Research Soc Catholic Society
Item EGM 1617/03 Officer Update To note and receive questions
Update on Motions Passed in 2015 Item EGM 1617/04 Update on Motions Passed in 2015 During the elections this year, it was discovered by the Representation and Democracy Manager that there were motions passed at the AGM in 2015 which had not been published on our website nor have some of the resolves been completed or actioned. These are now published on our website at www.kingstonstudents.net/policies Some of the motions have been completed – for example a campaign to ensure students who have mitigating circumstances can graduate at the same time as the rest of their course Others are now out of date as the event they refer to have passed However, there is a number that have not been actioned. This has caused us concern and as soon as this was discovered, meetings were held to find out how this happened and to begin the process of actioning the rest of the motions. To be transparent, we wanted to bring this to your attention and explain the reasons why this occurred. In 2015, we went through an extensive officer and staff restructure, which meant that handover of policy work had not occurred and these slipped through the net. To ensure ourselves, we also checked the minutes of the 2016 AGM. There was no motions at this AGM. With these, plus the motions passed at the AGM and any passed today – if you are interested in supporting them outside of this meeting by campaigning, lobbying etc there will be sign up sheets at the end of this meeting to arrange working groups Any questions?
Item AGM 1617/05 Upcoming Union Events
Item AGM 1617/07 Motion Debate To Debate and Vote
How do you get involved? Voting For– Green thumbs Against – Red thumbs Abstain (neither for or against) – show of hands Want to speak for or against a motion, raise your hand If you have a question for the proposer, we have time for 2 question per motion Procedural Motions Tweet @union_kingston No idea what’s happening – ask!
Motion 1 Kingston University student rip-off
Motion 2 Improving the laptop loan scheme
Motion 3 Consent workshops
Motion 4 Banning plastic water bottles from all Kingston University campuses
Motion 5 Kingston University staff cuts and course closures
Motion 6 Wednesday afternoon’s free for all Kingston University students
Motion 7 Prohibit and institute a ban on the use of fur in any and all student’s current and future projects
Motion 8 Election Reforms
Motion 9 Creation of a new role of Student Director
Item EGM 1617/07 AOB
Thank you!