WHERE IS PAIN STORED? My observation: Emotional and Physical Pain At least some of the pain signal is: stored on the surface of the cells of the body. stored at the synapses between brain cells. The information mechanism is peptide molecules.
CHANGE THE PAIN EXPERIENCE The experience of pain will change when the peptide changes at a brain synapse or on the surface of a cell in the body.
THE ICE METHOD 1. Identify an issue – it could be emotional, a memory, or a physical symptom. Peptides exist that correspond to this state. 2. Calm or Chill State. By observing rather than engaging thoughts, the calm state opens up, and calm peptides are created. 3. Exchange the old issue peptides with peptides of calm and peace.
PEPTIDES Peptides consist of a string of amino acids. Depending on the combination of amino acids, the peptide functions differently Peptides are short versions of proteins Example of an amino acid
1. EMOTIONS CREATE PEPTIDES Published research: Molecules of Emotion, by Candace Pert, 1994
2. PEPTIDES INSTRUCT CELLS Published research: Molecules of Emotion, by Candace Pert, 1994
3. PEPTIDES GLUE MEMORIES Published Research: Nature – Vol 463, Issue 7277 January 7, 2010, doi: /nature Preventing the return of fear in humans using reconsolidation update mechanisms.
THE ICE METHOD IDENTIFY - SURFACING OLD MEMORIES When memories surface, the old peptides that glued the memory become fragile and must be replaced with new peptides. FRAGILITY IS A BIG DEAL
THE ICE METHOD REGLUING MEMORIES Old memories usually store unchanged because the same old emotions are triggered. If we open a calm state, the only peptide that can be created is a peptide of calm and peace. Once an old memory surfaces in the presence of the calm state, peptide exchange can take place.
THE ICE METHOD PEPTIDE EXCHANGE Peptide exchange is a natural process once a memory, emotion, or physical state has been raised a calm state has opened up for the person. To facilitate peptide exchange simply help a person move awareness back and forth between the issue state and the calm state. Like waves on a beach, peptides exchange
DOING ICE - IDENTIFY Start your session by asking the person to identify their issue. Youre just looking for a brief introduction. Identify Emotions that go with the issues Memories that arise with the issue Physical sensations in the body that arise
DOING ICE – CALM OR CHILL 1.Set the identified issue to the side 2.Invite person to close eyes 3.Observe thoughts coming and going without engaging. 4.Observation opens a slight separation 5.When observing, cells of body dont react 6.Cells begin to rest as mind simply observes 7.As cells go to rest – thoughts slow – no hurry 8.Eventually a space opens up between thoughts – no hurry 9.Observe the space and the space grows – no hurry 10.Eventually the person is in calm space of nothing. 11.Now the body is producing peptides of calm and peace.
DOING ICE - EXCHANGE 1.From the calm state – observe the issue. 2.There is no right or wrong – simply an observation. 3.Note any emotions, memories, physical sensations. 4.Observe thoughts until Calm state opens up again. 5.Observe the feeling of the calm state in mind and body 6.Observe issue again. 7.Repeat until calm prevails when observing issue 8.Finally – ACTIVELY explore memories, emotions and physical sensations to check that calm remains. 9.Peptides of calm/peace have replaced issue peptides
ICE – THATS IT THE ICE METHOD Identify Calm Exchange Now for some additional considerations.
ICE – NOT A NEW HABIT. ICEing an issue does not create a new habit. Creating a new habit is a REACTION to an old pattern New habits build new brain cell networks. Habits are hard work to create and hard work to maintain ICE is not a reaction to an old pattern ICE replaces old peptides with new peptides ICE is about observation, not about work. ICE happens only from the calm state If you force ICE, ICE doesnt happen.
ICE – IF ISSUES RETURN If the issue returns If the issues returns its because a new aspect has surfaced. That new aspect still carries the old emotional peptides. The new aspect can be an emotion, memory, or physical sensation. Simply ICE as before until the calm state returns. If more aspects arise, simple ICE as needed. Aspects do not revert to old peptide states. Once an aspect is ICEd that aspect should remain calm. Sometimes ICEing one aspect allows others to surface. This is good. This is healing. ICE as needed.
ICE AS YOUR WAY OF LIFE If youre not chill, youre not in the calm state Your body and mind are reacting to the outside environment All the cells of your body are attentive to whatever might be required. This takes energy –this is not restful. This is why we wear out, emotionally and physically. Why not live from the chill state? Just ICE whenever you notice that youre not in the calm state Observe and return to the calm state. Then choose your ACTION, instead of auto-REACTING