64 BIT COMPUTING By: Kapil Kaushik VIII Sesmester(IT)
What is 64-bit computing ? Enhancing the processing word in the architecture to 64 bits. Doubling the data processed in a clock cycle doesn’t means the processor is now twice as fast. Data processing speed does not change yet the data processed in a clock cycle increases two times. The addressable memory increases from 4 GB to 264 which equals to 18 billion GB.
History of 64 Bit Computing The first proper 64-bit system was IBM's 7030 Stretch computer, in 1961. By early 1970’ 64-bit computing was being used in high-end server setups, processing setups, and super-computers. In 1994 Intel announced its first plans to move to 64-bit on its servers by joint venture with HP. 64-bit hit the desktop market with AMD's launch of the Opterons and Athlon 64 chips in 2003.Though these chips were not ‘Pure’ 64 bit.
32-bit vs. 64-bit Processors
Benefits of 64-bit Computing Allowing applications to store vast amount of data in main memory. Manipulating data and executing instructions in chunks that are twice as large as in 32-bit computing. Allowing complex calculations with a high-level precision. Can address large amount of memory and thus use flat memory model.
Practical Uses of 64-bit computing
Is 64-bit Computing necessary ? Since systems with memory greater than 4 GB are becoming common so there’s a greater push towards 64 bit computing
Requirements for 64-bit computing To run a 64 bit application we need : A 64-bit processor A 64 bit operating system 64 bit drivers
64-bit processor architectures from Intel and AMD Pure 64-bit architectures : IA 64 Other 64-bit architectures : AMD 64 EM64T/Intel 64
What’s Pure and why ? Intel IA 64 is the pure 64 bit architecture and has a word length of 64 bits. It can only execute 64 bit applications. Architectures like AMD 64 and EM64T are extended version of the x-86 architecture and use 16 bit word lengths and are backward compatible with 32 bit and 16 bit applications
64-bit Registers
Disadvantages of 64-bit computing The main disadvantage of pure 64-bit computing is that relative to 32-bit architectures, the same data occupies more space in memory (due to swollen pointers and possibly other types and alignment padding). This increases the memory requirements of a given process and can have implications for efficient processor cache utilization.
Conclusion 64-bit computing is a necessary technology in the computer science areas which require larger memory and increased performance such as scientific computing, CAD,Large Databases etc. 64-bit will continue to be the technology of choice for various organisations for years to come.
Some Helpful Links http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/64-bit http://www.bit-tech.net/bits/2007/10/16/64-bit_more_than_just_the_ram/1 http://www.webopedia.com/DidYouKnow/Computer_Science/2004/64_bit.asp
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