Food and expedition meals
Food and expedition meals Getting your food and cooking right can really make a big difference to how much you enjoy your DofE expedition. It is one of the best team activities of your Expedition section and is an opportunity to think creatively and impress your Assessor!
Expedition food Planning and teamwork is everything. You have to cook as a team so it's usually best to share meals You'll get much more out of cooking from scratch or preparing meals at home first. You'll need to agree your menu and cooking plan as a team, gather your food and then cook together as a group.
You'll need to design a menu which does the following: Packs in as much energy (or calories) into the least weight and volume as possible. Choose foods high in sugars, carbohydrates and fats. Choose food you like! Food is both energy for physical endurance and team morale! Keep meals easy and quick to cook! Keep the weight and litter down by removing its packaging and cooking as a team. Make sure you keep your food in something waterproof like a plastic bag or plastic container. Try to pack the food for each day/meal together in one place so it is easy to find in your rucksack.
Emergency rations Every participant needs emergency rations. It does not have to be much (particularly at Bronze) but it is an essential part of participants thinking about risk management and preparing for their expedition. A good ration pack should include a favourite high energy snack (Snickers and Mars bars etc) Energy drink powder/hot chocolate sachets. Marzipan is fantastic for Emergency ration, your assessor will check that you have sufficient supplies packed into your bag on assessment.
Think differently! Be creative! Cooking on your expedition can be a great challenge and a way to make your expedition stand out. Think about your favourite foods and how you could adapt them so you can have them during your expedition. The most important thing to remember is light weight food that is high in calories and simple to cook.
Personally I find cooking for others rewarding Personally I find cooking for others rewarding. Here is a meal I made for a few friends when we climbed and enjoyed a day out in the Lake District. Chicken, Pasta, Onion, Mushrooms, Peppers, Chilli, Various Veg, Rice, Tomato and Basil cooking sauce – All pre cooked the night before and warmed up to eat in 4 mins.
Italian Chicken with Pasta and Vegetables.
Boil in the bag meal Ideas…
Problems in the past with food on DofE… Baked beans or tinned foods – no can opener and they are very heavy to carry! Pot noodles – calorie intake is very low. Packing far to much pasta! Measure out the amount you need for your group! Bacon or sausage – this sticks to the pan when cooking and is very difficult to wash. Bread – gets squashed in your rucksack. Food that can get damaged when packed!
What are the advantages of readymade outdoor meals? Ready to eat straight from the packs, hot or cold. Fast cooking time. Expert designed for high calorie content for replacing used energy. No refrigeration required. Light and easy to carry. Vegitarian, Halal, Hindu/Sikh and Kosher options available. Wide range of meals you could not otherwise have.
Snacks… Chocolate Nuts Fruit (Dried Fruit) Sweets Crisps Energy Bars Breakfast Bars
Drinks…2 litres water…